Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Committee to Stop FBI Repression

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following call from the Committee to Stop FBI Repression.


By Corey Uhl

The advances of the Cuban revolution have brought real improvements to people’s lives. A report made by the United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF), titled “Progress for Children: A Report Card on Nutrition,” gave the resilient island country a nod for being the only country in Latin America and the Caribbean to have eliminated malnutrition for children. The report also noted that the Cuban government has vowed to eliminate poverty and reach complete environmental sustainability by 2015, a year which approaches with great strides toward this end already taking place. This is a huge victory for Cubans, as they have faced over five decades of unjust blockade by the U.S. government and constant threats from hurricanes and other natural disasters.


By Editorial ¡Lucha y Resiste!

Millones de personas se encuentran sin trabajo. Aquellos que dieron de baja están siendo evacuados de sus hogares porque sus hipotecas están siendo ejecutadas, perdieron seguros de salud y luchan cada vez mas duro para sobrevivir. El desempleo entre la juventud esta muy alto. Incluso los graduados universitarios se ven forzados a vivir en la casa de sus padres. Muchos no pueden hacer mensualidades a los préstamos universitarios. Millones de inmigrantes, ambos documentados e indocumentados, son dados de baja y sin poder trabajar, se ven obligados a abandonar el país después de haber trabajado años en los EU.

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By Fight Back! Editors

Right wing hypes fear of a ‘fiscal cliff’ to extend tax cuts for the rich

The federal government is on course for large spending cuts and tax increases starting January of 2013. This comes from a combination of three things: the end of some of the Obama administration stimulus that began in 2009; the end of large tax cuts, especially for the wealthy, done under the Bush administration; and automatic spending cuts designed to reduce the federal budget deficit. While some of the tax increases would not fully take effect until April 2014, and others could be reversed, the right wing is using fears of a ‘fiscal cliff’ to try to extend tax cuts for the rich and block planned cutbacks in military spending.


By Fight Back! Editors

Millions of people are out of work. Those who are laid off are being foreclosed out of their homes, losing health care, and finding it harder and harder to make ends meet. Youth unemployment is particularly high. Even recent college graduates are forced to live in their parents’ homes. Many are unable to make payments on their college loan debt. Being laid off and unable to find work, millions of immigrants, both documented and undocumented, are forced to leave after years of working in the U.S.


By staff

Lead banner in march on the RNC

Tampa, FL – Over 1000 people rallied and marched in the streets of Tampa, August 27, to demand good jobs, affordable education, healthcare, equality and peace. Although the Republicans canceled the first day of their convention due to Tropical Storm Isaac, organizers with the Coalition to March on the RNC went through with their promise to march to the site of the convention to show their opposition to the agenda of the 1%.


By staff

SDS members at conclusion of Southern Tour.

Tampa, FL – Members of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) from the Eastern and Western wings of the Southern Tour met up in Tampa, Florida after completing their tour of campuses in Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, and Georgia.


By staff

Tampa, FL- Though the weather has delayed the opening of the Republican National Convention, the organizers for the Coalition to March on the RNC have stated that they will go forward with their plans to rally Monday morning for good jobs, healthcare, affordable education, equality, and peace. Coalition leaders urge everyone to join the march at Perry Harvey, Sr. Park at 10 am.


By Corey Uhl

Tampa, FL – Final build up is underway for the upcoming August 27 march on the RNC.


By staff

Shannon McEnteer and Tyler Wright of the Student Labor Action Project

Tampa, FL – Members of the Student Labor Action Project will be among the many campus activists who join the massive march that will coincide with the August 27 opening of the Republican National Convention.