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Orlando Student Labor Action Project to march on RNC

By staff

Shannon McEnteer and Tyler Wright of the Student Labor Action Project

Tampa, FL – Members of the Student Labor Action Project will be among the many campus activists who join the massive march that will coincide with the August 27 opening of the Republican National Convention.

Two members of the Student Labor Action Project spoke with Fight Back! about why they were joining the march on the RNC.

Tyler Wright states, “The Student Labor Action Project at UCF [University of Central Florida] stands with the working class to fight back against the hate-filled Republican agenda. We are working to build a new platform in which healthcare and education are no longer privileges for the wealthy few, where families are not torn apart by racist immigration laws and where workers are treated with dignity and respect in their workplaces. The Coalition to March on the RNC is an avenue for the 99% of people who are not represented in our country to finally have their voices heard. Despite our differences, students, workers, community groups, the unemployed, immigrants and many others are coming together to oppose the despicable direction the GOP desires to take us in.”

Shannon McEnteer stated, “The Student Labor Action Project strongly believes that education is a right, not a privilege. We have joined the Coalition to March on the RNC because the Republican agenda works directly against the interest of students, especially working class students. As young people dealing with absurd amounts of debt and unemployment, we have an obligation to stand up to the Republican agenda and fight back.”

#TampaFL #RepublicanAgenda #RNC2012 #RepublicanNationalConvention2012 #StudentLaborActionProject

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