Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Athens, GA – Student organizers from Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), in anticipation of one of the largest demonstrations Florida will see in years, are eager to share their plans with students and activists who will be traveling to Tampa next week for the march on the RNC. The group of organizers was in high spirits, listening to political hip hop and swapping stories about activist experiences as they pulled in to Athens Georgia on August 20.


By staff

Tampa, FL – Starting on August 18, members of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) will kick off a major, week-long effort to build for the August 27 protest at the Republican National Convention, by visiting college campuses in the Southern region of the U.S.


By Students for a Democratic Society

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) urging support for the striking Milwaukee workers at Palermo's Pizza.


By mick

Minneapolis, MN – Twin Cities activists came together for a fundraising party here, July 27, to help pay the transportation costs for the vans that are heading to the massive march on the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida. The event, organized by Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), brought in more than $600.


By staff

Fundraising event to support striking Palermo’s pizza workers.

Milwaukee, WI – More than 50 people came together here, July 12, for a Solidarity Dinner, followed by a mass picket to support the striking Palermo’s pizza workers. The Solidarity Dinner, held at United Lodge 66, brought together Palermo’s workers and members of Students for a Democratic Society, Voces de la Frontera, the Machinists, Occupy and other supporting organizations. More than $700 was raised to support the strike.

Picket line in support of Palermo’s pizza workers.

#MilwaukeeWI #StudentsForADemocraticSociety #VocesDeLaFrontera #PalermosPizza #pizzaWorkersStrike

By staff

At least 12 injured by police

Protest in wake of Walker recall

Milwaukee, WI – The day after Governor Walker survived his recall election, hundreds marched in the streets of Milwaukee in non-violent civil disobedience from Pere Marquette Park to City Hall and into the banking district. Occupy Milwaukee, Amalgamated Transit Union Local 998, AFSCME Local 82, Milwaukee Teachers Education Association, Voces de la Frontera, Milwaukee Students for a Democratic Society, Youth Empowered in the Struggle, Peace Action WI, Wisconsin Bail Out the People Movement, 9 to 5, Citizen Action, Welfare Warriors and dozens of other community organizations demanded: Repeal the union busting bill Act 10; reinstate the Equal Pay Act; and tax the 1%.


By staff

Chicago, IL – On Sunday, May 20, students throughout the country will come together in Chicago to join the student contingent in opposition to the NATO summit and demand money for education, not for war.


By Fern

The Coalition marches towards Tampa City Hall.

Tampa, FL – Over 30 supporters rallied here, April 10, in Joe Chillura Park to demand permits to march on the Republican National Convention and to slam the “Clean Zone” ordinance. The Clean Zone ordinance proposed by the city government of Tampa would place massive restrictions on any sort of demonstration against the RNC in August. Restrictions include what sort of everyday items protestors could bring to protests and would place any and all actions against the RNC far away from the convention center – effectively silencing any opposition to the Republican agenda of war and poverty.


By staff

University of Minnesota SDS protests education cuts.

Tallahassee, FL – On Thursday, March 1, the student movement in the United States took a collective step forward in the fight for higher education. Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), along with Occupy Education groups across the country and other progressive student organizations, held a nationwide day of action against crippling budget cuts, tuition hikes, and student debt.


By Jacob Flom

UWM students protest March 1 for education rights

Milwaukee, WI – Hundreds of students, faculty, and staff rallied at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee (UWM) for the March 1st National Day of Action for Education rights. Members of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), AFSCME Local 82, and AFT Locals marched across campus chanting “No remorse, no regret, we wont pay our student debt!” The crowd stopped at the Chancellor's office to present the demands of the Education Rights Coalition, where they were met by members of the administration. The coalition demands include a tuition freeze, student loan debt forgiveness, and collective bargaining rights for public employee unions affected by Governor Scott Walker's union busting.