Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Jared Hamil

Students occupy the Marshall Student Center

Tampa Bay, FL – Over 200 students rallied at the University of South Florida to protest budget cuts and rising tuition costs. Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) along with other groups, including Occupy USF and a local union with the American Federation of State, City, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), took part in a walkout to protest the attacks on students and education. This walkout came as part of the March 1st National Day of Action for Education Rights. Across the board, education continues to be cut and tuition is on the rise.


By Kelly O'Brien

Minneapolis, MN – Across the country, student activists are promoting a national day of action for education rights on March 1. While administrators make six figure salaries and receive bonus payouts, students’ tuition and fees are rising to unprecedented heights and staff and faculty continue to be laid off. Students are paying more for fewer services and less education. Students, staff and faculty nationwide are uniting for transparency in administration and spending and the right to an affordable education.


By staff

Feb 4 protest demands "Hands of Iran."

Minneapolis, MN – More than 75 people gathered here Feb 4 to demonstrate against the growing danger of U.S. war on Iran. The Minneapolis event was a part of an international day of protest that included anti-war actions in over 50 cities in the U.S. and around the world.


By Students for a Democratic Society

SDS tent at Occupy Minneapolis, Nov. 29

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from Students for a Democratic Society (SDS).


By staff

Logo for the 2011 SDS national convention.

Milwaukee, WI – On November 12th, over a hundred student organizers from across the country will gather here to participate in the 6th annual National Convention of [Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)]( SDS was re-founded in 2006 in response to the upsurge of war in the Middle East and the need for a united, national multi-issue radical student and youth organization in the United States.


By Chris Getowicz

Students march on Wells Fargo in Minneapolis.

Minneapolis, MN – Students from colleges and universities across the Twin Cities gathered for the second week in a row, Oct. 19, at the Occupy MN space in downtown Minneapolis.


By Mike Gold

SDS marching at Occupy Milwaukee.

Milwaukee, WI – More than 3000 people marched here, Oct. 15, as a part of the Occupy movement, which began about a month ago on Wall Street in New York. At 11:00 a.m. in Milwaukee’s Zeidler Park, protesters gathered to stand against continuing cuts to education and public services carried out by Governor Scott Walker and to stand against rampant corruption in the powerful financial sector.


By Marisol Márquez

Tampa, FL – On Sept. 22, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) announced the beginning of their campaign against a 15% tuition hike at the University of South Florida (USF). The students gathered outside the Marshall Student Center to kick off their campaign. Over the summer and then again in the fall, USF administrators hiked up tuition, increasing it from 8% up to 15%. Students are upset. As SDS member Dustin Ponder says, “This story is all too familiar across the nation. We in USF's SDS will not stand by and let such an injustice go unchallenged. In the past few weeks, SDS and other local activist organizations have been reaching out to the students of USF and are building support for an upcoming protest against attacks on our education.”


By Redacción

SDS de Gainesville con una manta frente a la alcaldia

Gainesville, FL – Este otoño, grupos estudiantiles en Tallahassee, Pensacola, Gainesville, Tampa, y Orlando están haciendo mucho activismo y están ganando sus demandas, mientras que las clases se resumieron sólo hace unas semanas.

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By Kosta Harlan

Students protest execution of Troy Davis at UNC Chapel Hill

Chapel Hill, NC – A diverse group of over 120 students braved heavy rains to rally on UNC Chapel Hill's campus, Sept. 21, in protest of the scheduled execution of [Troy Davis](/tags/troy-davis). The students held signs saying “I am Troy Davis”, “Stop the execution”, and “Abolish the death penalty”.