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Occupy Minnesota: Students to banks: “They want our dough – we say hell no!”

By Chris Getowicz

Students march on Wells Fargo in Minneapolis.

Minneapolis, MN – Students from colleges and universities across the Twin Cities gathered for the second week in a row, Oct. 19, at the Occupy MN space in downtown Minneapolis.

Over 200 students gathered and took to the streets, marching on Wells Fargo, where they demanded financial institutions forgive student loans. Speakers focused on the struggle of recent graduates to find jobs and pay back crippling student loans. Recent University of Minnesota graduate and Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) organizer Stephanie Taylor spoke to the crowd about the loans she accumulated. She explained, “Student loans are one of the biggest costs anyone takes on in their lives, and most people spend years, if not their lives paying it back.”

Chanting “Education is a right, now is the time to fight!” and “They want our dough, we say hell no!” the students marched to the massive gold color Wells Fargo tower in central downtown and gathered, stopping traffic throughout the downtown grid.

A call has gone out for students to attend the Friday, Nov. 4 unity rally for another march. Students are encouraged to spend time at Occupy MN. The SDS chapter at the University of Minnesota will be holding its weekly meeting on Oct. 27, where it invites all area students to participate in planning for future student actions on local school campuses. For more info go to

#MinneapolisMN #StudentsForADemocraticSociety #WellsFargo #OccupyMN #OccupyWallStreet #studentDebt

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