Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Michela

SDS protest in Florida

Gainesville, FL – 70 student activists from all over the country arrived in sunny Gainesville, Florida to attend the annual Students for a Democratic Society National Convention Oct. 27-28. The activists arrived from as far as Utah and Minnesota.


By Corey Uhl

Tampa, FL – On Oct. 25, the Tampa Committee to Stop FBI Repression held a solidarity event to support the Holy Land Five on the corner of Fowler Avenue and 56th Street, which is within the heart of the Muslim community here. Members of the local chapter of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) were also there to show their support, as well as other members of the community. People waved signs reading, “Charity is not a crime!” as the busy rush hour traffic slowed down and drivers showed their support.


By staff

Gainesville, FL – On Saturday, Oct. 27, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) will be hosting their national convention at the University of Florida in Gainesville. Since their resurrection in 2006, SDS has become the largest multi-issue, student-led organization in the U.S.


By Chrisley Carpio

Students flyer for the rally to oppose the U.S. war in Afghanistan

Gainesville, FL – On Oct. 8, about three dozen Gainesville activists held a rally to protest the 11th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan. Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) at the University of Florida (UF), Occupy Gainesville and Gainesville Veterans for Peace gave a round of speeches in Turlington Plaza, demanding the withdrawal of all troops from Afghanistan and the end of U.S. drone strikes in Pakistan, Yemen and other parts of the Middle East.


By Corey Uhl

Protesters march to C.W. Bill Young Hall, the ROTC building on USF campus

Tampa, FL – At the University of South Florida, Oct. 8, about 30 students gathered outside of Cooper Hall to protest on the 11th anniversary of the war in Afghanistan. Six speakers from Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) spoke to the crowd about the impact this war has had on the students across the United States, and on the targets of U.S. wars abroad. After the protesters listened to the speeches made by the students and various community members, they marched to the C.W. Bill Young Building, which houses the ROTC program on campus. The building is named after Congressman Bill Young, whose anti-worker and anti-student policies sent many young people from poor communities to fight wars for members of the 1% – such as him.


By staff

Milwaukee protest against police murder of Derek Williams

Milwaukee, WI – On Oct. 7, dozens of people came together to challenge Police Chief Flynn and the Milwaukee Police Department on the murder of 22-year old Derek Williams.


By Corey Uhl

Florida September 11 anti-war protest.

Tampa, FL – On Sept. 11, members of various student and community groups gathered at the University of South Florida (USF) to commemorate the millions of victims affected by the conflicts sparked by the U.S. after the attacks on this day eleven years ago. The gathering was organized by Tampa Against the War on Terror and was supported by the campus chapter of Students for a Democratic Society. It came before a counter-protest in downtown Tampa, against a hate group that was seeking to ban the Council on America-Islamic Relations from speaking in Hillsborough County Public Schools.


By staff

SDS members at conclusion of Southern Tour.

Tampa, FL – Members of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) from the Eastern and Western wings of the Southern Tour met up in Tampa, Florida after completing their tour of campuses in Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, and Georgia.


By staff

New Orleans, LA – Organizers from Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) canvassed campuses in New Orleans, August 21, including the University of New Orleans, Loyola University and Tulane University. They were there to promote the August 27 march on the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida. Student organizers from Utah, Wisconsin and New Orleans are also building SDS chapters by leafleting and gathering hundreds of contacts.


By Cecelia O’ Brien

Athens, GA – The Eastern contingent of Students for a Democratic Society’s Southern Tour visited the University of Georgia-Athens on August 21. The tour is part of an effort to build student activism in the South and to mobilize for the march on the Republican National Convention, August 27. Students were extremely receptive and we are glad to report that the University of Georgia-Athens has now started a chapter of SDS.