Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By mick

Amina Ali (center) in front of MN Federal Court, May 16.

Minneapolis, MN – About 200 Somalis, mainly women, converged on the Federal Building here, May 16, for the sentencing hearing of two Somali humanitarian workers. Amina Ali and Hawo Hassan were convicted of ‘material support for terrorism’ in October, 2011. Judge Michael J. Davis handed down a 20-year sentence for Amina Ali and a 10-year sentence for Hawo Hassan.


By Jess Sundin

Jess Sundin

Fight Back News Service is reprinting the speech of Jess Sundin, a leader of Freedom Road Socialist Organization, delivered at the FRSO-organized May Day celebration, May 3.


By mick

Deb Howze, of Freedom Road Socialist Organization, welcoming audience at Minneap

Minneapolis, MN – More than 50 people gathered here May 3 for a celebration to mark International Workers Day. The event was organized by Freedom Road Socialist Organization. In a festively decorated hall, the celebration began with a dinner and slide show that highlighted the struggles of the past year.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – There are widespread reports in the Western press saying that, on May 3, Israel launched another bombing raid on Syria. Reports say the attack was carried out from Lebanon.


By Tracy Molm

Noor Elashi speaking at University of Minnesota.

Minneapolis, MN – On April 15, Noor Elashi, daughter of wrongfully imprisoned Holy Land 5 defendant Ghassan Elashi, spoke to a packed room of over 50 people, mostly students from the University of Minnesota, about her father’s case. John Cline, Ghassan Elashi’s lawyer, also spoke of the injustice brought upon the five men who founded and built the largest Muslim charity in the U.S. George W. Bush shut down The Holy Land Foundation, falsely claiming its charity work for Palestine had ties to terrorism.


By staff

No More Deportations banner at April 10 Minneapolis immigration reform rally

Minneapolis, MN – Protesters rallied in downtown Minneapolis on April 10, a national day of action to demand that politicians in Washington D.C. take action now for immigrant rights. The Minneapolis protest was organized by a coalition of unions, immigrant rights organizations and religious groups. Speakers emphasized that the time is now for immigration reform, and that the reform must not leave immigrant workers in a second class status.

Youth from Southern Minnesota group Pa'delante at the April 10 Minneapolis rally

April 10 Minneapolis immigration reform rally

#MinneapolisMN #immigrationReform

By staff

Making signs for April 10 action opposing war with the People's Democratic Repub

Minneapolis, MN – Organizers of the weekly peace vigil on the Lake Street/Marshall Avenue Bridge between Minneapolis and Saint Paul have announced plans to dedicate the April 10 vigil to making an anti-war statement in response to the military crisis in Korea.


By staff

Minneapolis 'ground the drones' protest

Minneapolis, MN – Despite rain showers, nearly 200 people joined a protest here April 6 to speak out against U.S. wars around the world and against the ever-growing use of drones as an instrument of military intervention.


By linden

Nina Wilson (center, holding yellow shirt) and several other indigenous rights a

Minneapolis, MN – After a spirited protest downtown, Indigenous rights leaders, including Nina Wilson, a founder of Idle No More, gathered here at the American Indian Center on Franklin Avenue, March 21, for a wrap-up of the day’s activities and to prepare for the next event. On March 22, Wilson and others will be present at the Environmental & Treaty Rights Symposium, also to be held at the American Indian Center.


By Stephanie Taylor

SDS leading march for education rights at University of Minnesota

Minneapolis, MN – Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), a national progressive student group, held a “Day of Action for Education Rights” on March 14. High school and college students in different parts of the country protested government cutbacks and stood up for education rights. The four demands put forward by SDS were: No cuts – chop from the top; pass the Student Loan Forgiveness Act (HR 4170); freeze all tuition and fees; and corporations off campus.