Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


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Lead banner in Pride march peace contingent.

Minneapolis, MN – A peace contingent, made up of the Anti-War Committee, Women Against Military Madness, the Minnesota Committee to Stop FBI Repression, Free Bradley Manning-Minneapolis and others, had a strong showing at the annual Minneapolis LGBTQ Pride parade this year. The contingent participated in the annual parade down Hennepin Avenue to Loring Park on June 30.


By staff

The Anti-War Committee booth at Pride.

Minneapolis, MN – The Anti-War Committee had a big presence at the Pride celebration held here, June 29.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – In an effort to build support for the compassionate release of Lynne Stewart from prison, a delegation of community leaders met with staff at the office of Congressman Keith Ellison on June 20.


By staff

Marie Braun speaking at protest against U.S. war on Syria

St Paul, MN – Holding signs and banners, about 40 people gathered, June 19, on Lake Street Bridge which spans the Mississippi River to say no to the growing U.S. war on Syria. Passing cars honked in support of their message.


By staff

Some of the protesters at the office of Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar.

Minneapolis, MN – More than 50 supporters of civil liberties join a protest at the office of Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar under the slogan, “Say no to NSA surveillance.” The protest was organized by Anti-War Committee and the MN Committee to Stop FBI Repression, and had the backing of the Twin Cites peace and justice community.


By staff

Some of the protesters at rally against NSA spying.

Minneapolis, MN – About 25 protesters gathered in front of the Hennepin County government building here, June 11, to protest the massive National Security Agency spying program and to support whistleblower Edward Snowden.


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Cherrene Horazuk, President of AFSCME Local 3800, testifying at Regents hearing.

Minneapolis, MN – Members of AFSCME Local 3800, clerical workers at the University of Minnesota, filled the room here, June 5, testifying at a Board of Regents’ public forum on the university budget. The clerical workers spoke about how they have been impacted by administrative bloat and tuition hikes. Some of the 25 workers laid off last week attended the hearing.


By staff

Protest for justice for Terrance Franklin

Minneapolis, MN – Hundreds of people marched through the streets of downtown Minneapolis on May 31 to demand justice for Terrance “Mookie” Franklin, a 22-year-old African American man killed by the police in a South Minneapolis home on May 10.


By staff

Say: ‘No more aid to Israel”

Minneapolis protest marks anniversary of Al Nakba.

Minneapolis, MN – 40 people gathered outside the Federal Building here during rush hour on May 15 to protest the 65-year occupation of Palestine by U.S.-backed Israel. With signs and chants, protesters called for an end to the occupation, an end to U.S. aid, and the right of return for Palestinians who have been forced from their homes.


By staff

Say: ‘No more aid to Israel”

Minneapolis protest marks anniversary of Al Nakba.

Minneapolis, MN – 40 people gathered outside the Federal Building here during rush hour on May 15 to protest the 65-year occupation of Palestine by U.S.-backed Israel. With signs and chants, protesters called for an end to the occupation, an end to U.S. aid, and the right of return for Palestinians who have been forced from their homes.