Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Student march for education rights.

Minneapolis, MN – About 40 students and campus workers rallied at Morrill Hall and marched through the University of Minnesota (U of M) campus on March 14 to protest rising tuition costs and the university’s top-heavy administration. The protest was part of a national day of action for education rights.


By staff

AFSCME 3800 says ‘Chop from the top’

Minneapolis, MN – On March 12, the University of Minnesota presented the report it commissioned on its management structure to the Senate Higher Education Committee.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – Jessica English, a single mother of four who was homelessness, moved into an abandoned Wells Fargo-owned home in south Minneapolis last month. The home had been broken into and used as a drug house. But English, a student, writer, dedicated worker and volunteer with Occupy Homes MN, saw in it the potential of a place to raise her family.


By staff

Emcee Angella Khan of FRSO, with Tracy Molm at International Women's Day

Minneapolis, MN – More than 50 people gathered here March 8, to celebrate International Women’s Day. The event, organized by Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO), included a showing of the film “With Babies and Banners: Story of the Women's Emergency Brigade”, about the powerful role of women in the historic 1936-37 Flint Sit-down Strike at General Motors.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – On March 8, Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) will hold a celebration of International Women’s Day here. The celebration will include a showing of the film “With Babies and Banners: Story of the Women's Emergency Brigade”, about the powerful role of women in the historic 1936-37 Flint Sit-down Strike at General Motors – a key event in the fight to build unions in the U.S. The event will take place at 6:30 p.m. at 4200 Cedar Avenue S.


By staff

Protest demands the bank turn over vacant homes

Protesters march down 2nd Ave holding a banner that says "Big Banks Make Bad Nei

Minneapolis, MN – 13 people were peacefully arrested Feb. 27 as they marched on Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, demanding the bank turn over vacant homes to community control and calling for fairer banking practices.


By mick

“There is no crime in supporting the Palestinian struggle for self-determination”

Hatem Abudayyeh at Minneapolis speaking event

Minneapolis, MN – A standing room only crowd of more than 125 people turned out here, Feb. 23, to hear Hatem Abudayyeh, a prominent Chicago-based Palestinian activist who talked about the growing struggle for the liberation of Palestine and the repression against Palestine solidarity activists here in the U.S.


By mick

Members of the MN Committee to Stop FBI Repression prepare post cards promoting

Minneapolis, MN – Members of the Minnesota Committee to Stop FBI Repression assembled here, Feb. 5, to prepare a mailing of over 900 post cards to its Twin Cities members, as part of outreach for a major speaking event featuring Palestinian activist Hatem Abudayyeh. Phone banks and mass leafleting events are planned for coming days.


By staff

Marching MLK Day in Minneapolis skyway

Minneapolis, MN – More than 100 people braved below-zero weather to join a Martin Luther King Day march here, Jan 21, for “Jobs, Justice, and Housing.” The event was organized by Occupy the Hood and Minnesota Neighborhoods Organizing for Change.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – As the struggle over immigration reform looms in Washington D.C., immigrant rights activists in Minnesota are pressing their senators and representatives to support genuine, progressive immigration reform. Activists are telling lawmakers to not compromise with anti-immigrant politicians, who will try to include repressive measures in immigration reform legislation. On Jan. 16, the Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee (MIRAc) organized a call-in day targeting Senator Al Franken and Representative Keith Ellison. In addition to calling, people also sent messages to the politicians on their websites and tweeted a common message to them.