Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Kim DeFranco

Saint Paul rally in solidarity with Palestine.

St. Paul, MN – Women Against Military Madness (WAMM) held their weekly Free Palestine Rally with 30 community members joining them. It was stressed that Israel’s genocide is still raging in Palestine.

However, the people are still resisting in many ways. This week we saw many healthcare workers call out at their workplaces and at many hospitals with the theme “Sick of genocide.” In many cities in the U.S., they held press conferences stating they can no longer sit back; they spoke out about the horrors Palestinians face in Gaza with extraordinarily little or no medical help. The situation is beyond dire. WAMM’s rally focused on Gaza’s healthcare crisis.


By Anusha Ramaswami

A picture of graffiti reading "KKKroll must Go!"

Minneapolis, MN – Disgraced former Police Officers Federation of Minneapolis leader, Bob Kroll, seeks President-elect Trump’s nomination to become U.S. Marshal for the Minnesota Judicial District. Kroll, a 30-year veteran of the Minneapolis Police Department, had a lengthy disciplinary record, including wrongful arrest and excessive force complaints, before his retirement in 2021.


By Trent Fast

A pro-Palestine protest outside of a Caribou coffee with people holding signs.

Minneapolis, MN – On Saturday December 21 close to 100 people rallied in downtown Minneapolis to say, “All we want for Christmas is an end to the genocide.” The rally was organized by the Minnesota Peace Action Coalition and took place across the street from the WCCO TV studios, within sight of the Minneapolis Holidazzle Celebration, in the Nicollet Mall district of downtown.


By Michael Wood

Members of Climate Justice Committee holds polluters accountable.  | Fight Back! News/staff

St. Paul, MN – Members of the Minnesota Climate Justice Committee (CJC) held a bannering, December 15, in opposition to Lawton Standard (formerly known as Northern Iron) in Eastside neighborhood of Saint Paul on Sunday.


By Ly Mai Dang

St. Paul, MN – On the afternoon of Saturday, December 14, Twin Cities community members came together to protest outside the offices of Pro-Life Action Ministries, an anti-abortion Christian organization. The Minnesota Abortion Action Committee held a vigil to remember those who have passed away due to restrictions on abortion care, then transitioned into a rally to show that the community does not welcome Pro-Life Action Ministries and its hateful rhetoric.


By Elowyn Pfeiffer and Iemawn Chughtai

Saint Paul, MN – 110 members of the Saint Paul Federation of Educators Local 28 (SPFE) gathered on Monday, November 25 for a member meeting in which a vote was held for the union local to sign on to a letter urging President Biden to enact an arms embargo on Israel and work towards a ceasefire in Gaza, and to put pressure on their national union, the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) to do the same.


By staff

Palestine supporters pack Minneapolis city council meeting. | Staff/Fight Back! News

Minneapolis, MN – On December 3 and 5, activists from the Free Palestine Coalition and Students for a Democratic Society came together at the Public Service Center while the Minneapolis city council voted on a proposed resolution to stand in solidarity with the protesters arrested during the occupation of Morrill Hall – renamed Halimy Hall – at the University of Minnesota.


By Brian Chval

Minnesota Palestine solidarity activists shut out of public meeting, hold rally. | Kim DeFranco/Fight Back! News

St. Paul, MN – On the morning of December 10, 80 members and supporters of the Minnesota Free Palestine Coalition rallied inside and outside the Minnesota State Board of Investment (SBI) meeting. The rally came after the board’s decision to convert their quarterly open public meeting into a small hybrid in-person/online format, without live public testimony.


By Meredith Aby

People holding pro-palestine banners and flags on a sidewalk.

St. Paul, MN – On December 5, 45 people protested outside of the Minnesota Senate Building in 15-degree weather to demand that members of the board vote to divest the state of Minnesota from investments in Israel. The protest, held ahead of the board’s December 10 meeting, was organized by the Free Palestine Coalition.


By Kim DeFranco

A Palestine protest with people holding signs and banners.

St. Paul, MN – On November 29, around 50 Women Against Military Madness (WAMM) Palestine solidarity activists held their weekly bannering at the busy intersection of Snelling and Summit Avenues in Saint Paul.

The day marked the start of the holiday shopping season People driving or walking by the rally saw Palestinian flags waving in the wind and activists holding signs, as a reminder that there is still a genocide taking place in Palestine.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – On November 22, over 100 union educators attended an informational event about Palestine, “Being an Educator in a Time of War and Genocide.” They braved a cold Friday night to attend, as well as attacks from backward groups outside their union, including smears from Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey.


By Nick Tolliver

Columbia Heights, Minnesota solidarity with Palestine and Lebanon. | Kim DeFranco/Fight Back! News

Columbia Heights, MN – On Saturday, November 23, over 100 protesters gathered along Columbia Heights’s busy Central Avenue to protest U.S. support for Israel’s slaughter of Palestinian and Lebanese civilians. The protest called for solidarity with the resistance in Lebanon and Palestine, an end to U.S. aid and weapons shipments to Israel, and for the state of Minnesota to divest from Israel.


By Lestat Clemmer

Minneapolis protest defends womens and reproductive rights.   | Fight Back! News/staff

Minneapolis, MN – Around 50 people rallied for reproductive rights outside Senator Amy Klobuchar’s office on the brisk afternoon of Sunday, November 24. The Minnesota Abortion Action Committee (MNAAC) organized the protest, which came at a pivotal time given the re-election of Donald Trump, whose first-term Supreme Court appointees voted to overturn Roe v. Wade in 2022.

Since the election, organizers with MNAAC have emphasized the need to take action against a familiar administration, one which promises to further do away with abortion rights. Addressing the situation in Minnesota, MNAAC member Maggie Moynihan told the crowd, “Clinics that offer real help and healthcare are few and far between in Minnesota, but the people who need their services are many.”

Organizers chose Senator Amy Klobuchar’s office as the location for the rally to draw attention to the bipartisan failures of politicians to codify abortion and to end the genocide in Palestine. While Klobuchar has a commendable track record speaking in favor of reproductive rights, she has failed to meaningfully pursue her campaign promise of “reinstating Roe.” She has also failed to uphold human rights at large, voting to continue military aid to Israel as recently as November 20.

Other groups at the protest included the Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee, Climate Justice Committee and Anti-War Committee, as well as many supporters in the movement for women’s and reproductive rights.

While the rally primarily focused on the right to safe access to abortion, speakers also drew connections to the fight for a free Palestine. Crista Ocampo of the Anti-War Committee phrased this solidarity well, stating “The politicians who are sending bombs and military aid to uphold apartheid occupation are the same politicians who are stripping our rights away here in the states.” Ocampo went on to say, “It doesn’t matter if it’s here in the U.S. or in Gaza or the West Bank, when our rights are under attack, we will use everything we have to fight back.”

#MinneapolisMN #MN #WomensMovement #ReproductiveRights #Abortion #Trump #MNAAC

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By Charlie Berg

Minneapolis, MN – The 2024 United Nations climate conference, COP29, ended last Friday, November 22, after running into overtime, with little to show for its efforts. Every year, representatives from around the world convene at these conferences to negotiate agreements on how nations will cooperate – or not cooperate – to address the looming threat of climate change.

The attendees of COP, which stands for “Conference of the Parties”, as in, members of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), are a wide mix, ranging from climate scientists to NGO delegates, to government bureaucrats, to heads of state. Some take an active role in negotiations while others are just observers. Like at the U.N. more broadly, countries of all types are represented at COP conferences, but it is an open secret that the U.S., Canada and the EU members are the ones who really run the show – and the problems manifested by this unfair arrangement are what took center stage at COP29, especially around the issue of “climate finance.”

When you boil it down, the recurring problem of the COP conferences are as follows:

First, the dominance of North America and Europe in climate negotiations is at odds with the fact that these are the nations who are most responsible for climate change.

Second, the effects of climate change are projected to be most severe in the Global South – not just as an accident of geography, but because those countries have been subject to systematic plundering and deliberate maldevelopment by the so-called “First World,” and now have the least resources to invest in green development or even damage control.

And third, these wealthy nations that have spent centuries rigging the world economy in their favor, and who are increasingly divided amongst themselves, have the least interest in implementing any changes that could further jeopardize their slipping foothold.

The struggle over climate finance

The big subject at COP29 was around the issue of climate finance, meaning, how the world is going to pay for one, the shift towards sustainable economies, and two, fixing the destruction we’re already starting to see from climate change, both in terms of building preventative infrastructure and financing “loss and damage funds” to replace things destroyed by wildfires, floods, and so on.

Throughout the conference, delegates from developing countries – particularly from those in Africa and South America – insisted that the scale of the crisis is going to require investment by wealthier nations on a massive scale, something in the order of $3-plus trillion per year. North America and Europe on the other hand, complained that there was simply no budget for this, that these numbers put forward by other countries were based on bad data, and that more of the burden should fall on the private sector rather than government money.

By the end of the nearly two-week conference, the goal was set that by 2035 the world would be allocating just $300 billion annually, with a sizable portion of that coming from private banks. Panama's climate envoy Juan Carlos Monterrey Gomez captured the mood felt by many representatives as they prepared to head home: “I’m so mad. It's ridiculous. Just ridiculous,” adding, “It feels that the developed world wants the planet to burn.”

The specter of Trump

Just days before COP29 began, Donald Trump won the U.S. presidential election. In the past, Trump has called climate change a “hoax.” He used his powers during his first term to cut back environmental regulations and enforcement and has campaigned on doing more of the same. According to several reports, there was a general atmosphere of anxiety at COP29 that many of these negotiations wouldn’t even matter in a few months, since Trump is even less likely than Harris would’ve been to honor U.S. commitments pledged at the conference.

The other side of this, though, is that the election of Donald Trump signals to many countries that they can no longer expect any good to come from hitching themselves to the United States’ wagon, and that forging new alliances outside of U.S. dominion, such as with the BRICS nations, is going to be a major part of the road ahead when it comes to fighting climate change.

The need for a new system

As outlined above, the COP conferences lay bare a core problem with the world as it currently exists. Everyday people in every part of the world are starting to see the effects of climate change already; scientists in every part of the world agree that our current trajectory is towards catastrophe; but government officials in wealthy Western nations are bound by the intractable laws of monopoly capitalism -“increase profits forever, or die” – and thus are unable to right the ship.

There are few issues like climate change that expose this contradiction so plainly, where right in front of our eyes we see nothing but excuses, half measures, and false promises from the people who, in theory, should have the power to avert this global catastrophe. They instead use their resources to perpetrate genocide in Palestine, wage a proxy war in Ukraine, and prepare for all-out war on China and possibly Iran.

China, on the other hand, whose economy is not bound by the dog-eat-dog logic of the “free market” and aimless capital accumulation, is leading the world in the development and export of green technology. It is poised to become the main player in the world that nations can turn to for development aid. More importantly, that nation's economy is materially governed by a party of the working class, and thus is run in service of the working class, and that means popular policies like fighting pollution and climate change can be pursued for their own sake, not just as secondary measures when it’s politically convenient.

For the sake of our planetary future, those who care about the environment should look to countries like China as a model of what we ought to be fighting for – not just a seat at the table in failing institutions like COP29, but for an entirely different society where power is in the hands of the people, whose interests lie in actually stopping climate change at the source.

Charlie Berg is a member of the Climate Justice Committee – Minneapolis, MN

#MinneapolisMN #MN #Environment #ClimateChange #COP #UN

By staff

Minneapolis protest demands closure of Monticello Nuclear power plant.  | Staff/Fight Back! News

Minneapolis, MN – On Wednesday November 21, 50 members of the newly formed Coalition for a Nuclear-free Mississippi River and their supporters rallied in front of Xcel Energy headquarters on Nicollet Mall in the heart of downtown. They demanded the energy company keep to its 2030 shutdown date for the Monticello Nuclear Reactor, because of the serious threats posed to public health, the Mississippi River, and drinking water for millions.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – On November 4, around 730 longshoremen in British Columbia, Canada walked off the job and began a strike. The striking longshoremen are represented by the International Longshoremen’s and Warehousemen’s Union (ILWU), Local 514 which is the foremen’s local.


By staff

Minneapolis protest against repression aimed at campus pro Palestine activists.  | Meredith Aby/Fight Back! News

Minneapolis, MN – On November 8, the Twin Cities-based Free Palestine Coalition rallied outside Hennepin County Government Center in support of student arrestees who face both university disciplinary action and potential criminal charges for protest action.


By Mick Kelly

Minneapolis post-election protest. | Ashley Taylor-Gouge/Watch Me Rise MPLS

Minneapolis, MN – More than 300 people rallied and marched in Minneapolis’s West Bank neighborhood, November 6, in the wake of Trump’s election. The protest was in solidarity with Palestine and opposed the ever-widening U.S./Israel war in the Middle East. In addition, demonstrators were united behind a broad, progressive agenda that defends the rights of immigrants, workers, LGBTQ people, women’s and reproductive rights, and African Americans and other oppressed peoples.


By Sarah Martin

Minneapolis protest against U.S. blockade of Cuba.  | Staff/Fight Back! News

Minneapolis, MN – On October 28, Cuba solidarity activists rallied at the Federal Building in downtown Minneapolis to demand the Biden administration vote at the UN to end the economic war on Cuba. For 32 years, the United Nations has voted every year almost unanimously to end the cruel economic blockade against Cuba which the U.S. has imposed for over 60 years. To tighten the noose, in 2021 the U.S. added the designation of Cuba as a “state sponsor of terrorism” (SSOT) a ridiculous charge that leads to only more sanctions.


By Yossi Aharoni

Saint Paul  protest against weapons maker Lockheed Martin.  | Staff/Fight Back! News

St. Paul, MN – At 5 p.m., October 30, on a chilly autumn afternoon, over 60 Twin Cities community members showed up at the corner of Raymond Avenue and Energy Park Drive in Saint Paul to demand that ForwardEdge ASIC, a subsidiary of Lockheed Martin, get out of the residential neighborhood and that the state of Minnesota divests all public funds out of Lockheed Martin. This demonstration was called by the Minnesota Peace Action Coalition.