Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

March 8, 2010 will mark 100 years of International Women’s Day. Around the world people will celebrate the contributions of women in the movements to end inequality and exploitation, to insist on the complete liberation of women and to look forward to the day when oppression of all kinds has become a thing of the past.


By staff

Jess Sundin speaking at the program

Minneapolis, MN – 50 people gathered here March 7, to celebrate International Women’s Day. The event, organized by Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO), included speeches, a showing of the film The Eyes of the Rainbow - a documentary about Assata Shakur – and brief toasts from trade union, anti-war, student and welfare rights organizers.


By staff

Students protest at UCLA in 2009

The Student Commission of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) met over the 2009 winter break to discuss education rights, building a movement against war and occupations in Afghanistan and Iraq, fighting racism on campus and supporting immigrant rights. FRSO students came from as far as California and Florida, with large delegations from the South and Midwest. With a burning desire for social justice, the national cold wave could not stop them


By mick

Linden Gawboy (left) , Welfare Rights Committee and Steff Yorek of Freedom Road

Activists from the welfare rights, labor, immigrant rights and anti-war movements filled May Day books store here, for a forum called 'Capitalism in crisis; fighting back in hard times,' Oct. 25. Speakers included Steff Yorek of Freedom Road Socialist Organization and Linden Gawboy of the Welfare Rights Committee and the Minnesota Coalition for a People's Bailout, along with labor and student activists.


By staff

'A message to the people of the United States'

The following is a video interview of Raul Reyes, given in July, 2000. It was filmed by Jess Sundin, a Colombia solidarity activist and a member of Freedom Road Socialist Organization. The following is a English translation of a few excerpts from Raul Reyes statement, which is in Spanish.


By la Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad

Les damos una bienvenida de parte de Freedom Road Socialist Organization a todas y todos los que han venido de cerca y desde lejos para protestar en contra de la guerra en Irak, protestar la agenda republicana, y avanzar las demandas de paz, justicia e igualdad el 1 de septiembre en San Pablo, Minnesota. Como ustedes, nosotros estamos en contra de cuatro años más de ocupación, guerra, represión y racismo.

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By la Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad

¡Que viva la lucha popular!

El primero de mayo, el día internacional de los trabajadores, es un día de lucha. Alrededor del mundo, trabajadores marcharán en contra de la guerra imperialista, para defender los derechos de los inmigrantes en su lucha para proteger sus trabajos y comunidades. Aquí en los Estados Unidos, el 1ro de mayo renació cuando millones de chicanos, mexicanos y centroamericanos junto a otros inmigrantes y sus aliados, llenaron las calles para exigir la legalización, un fin de las redadas y deportaciones y el paro de la militarización de la frontera.

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By staff

Voices from the protest

These are statements from some of the many people who will protest against the Republican National Convention in St. Paul, MN on September 1-4, 2008.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following greeting from Freedom Road Socialist Organization to demonstrators at the Republican National Convention.


By Carlos Montes

The cover of the FRSO Immigrants Rights pamphlet.

After years of struggle and massive marches, justice for immigrants appears closer to reality, but we must continue to hit the streets to demand full legalization and an end to the repressive ICE detentions and deportations. It is also a time to sum up our lessons and history of struggle. This is why I encourage you to read the new pamphlet, The Immigrant Rights Movement and the Struggle for Full Equality just published by Freedom Road Socialist Organization.