Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Mick Kelly, Jess Sundin, and Bruce Nestor at May 18 press conference

Minneapolis, MN – People crowded into the Anti-War Committee office May 18 when the Committee to Stop FBI Repression (CSFR) revealed a [cache of FBI papers]( left behind after a raid on an apartment in September 2010. The documents include interrogation questions for agents to use on activists and details of the weaponry used for the Sept. 24, 2010 raid. Since that day, 23 people – all involved in peace and international solidarity movements – were subpoenaed to a grand jury in Chicago. All have refused to testify.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

¡Viva el espíritu de lucha de la clase obrera de Wisconsin!

Volante 1ro de mayo 2011 de Freedom Road

El 1ro de mayo es el día internacional de los trabajadores, un día para celebrar las luchas de la clase obrera y de los pueblos oprimidos. El 1 de mayo de 1886, en los Estados Unidos, cientos de miles de trabajadores se fueron a huelga luchando por la jornada de ocho horas. Ocho organizadores en Chicago, seis de los cuales eran inmigrantes, fueron falsamente acusados de matar a un policía y cuatro de ellos fueron ahorcados. El movimiento obrero internacional adopto el 1 de mayo como un día de lucha y es ampliamente celebrado alrededor del mundo.

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By staff

Anh Pham and Sarah Martin of the Minnesota Committee to Stop FBI Repression

Minneapolis, MN – Trade unionists, students, community and anti-war activists filled the hall at Walker Church, April 29, to celebrate International Workers Day. The event, titled, “Celebrate May Day: Standing Up In the Face of Repression,” was organized by Freedom Road Socialist Organization.


By staff

Freedom Road Socialist Organization banner at Milwaukee march

Milwaukee, WI – Tens of thousands marched here, May 1, in the Wisconsin Solidarity March for Immigrant and Worker Rights. Sponsored by Voces de la Frontera, the march wove through Milwaukee's south side up through downtown. Richard Trumka, President of the AFL-CIO, spoke at the rally, urging the immigrant rights and labor movements to unite to fight a common enemy, one that's brought an immense attack on public sector unions and is also attacking immigrants.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

_Long live the fighting spirit of the Wisconsin working class! _

FRSO May Day 2011 flyer

Flyer PDF in English | Volante PDF en Espanol


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – More than 50 people came together here March 8 to celebrate International Women’s Day. The event was sponsored by Freedom Road Socialist Organization and featured women who are in the forefront of the fight against repression and reaction.


By staff

Women Stand Up Against Repression

Sarah Martin, Jess Sundin, Luce Guillen Givins, Sarah Jane Olson, and Tracy Molm

Minneapolis, MN – More than 50 people came together here March 8 to celebrate International Women’s Day. The event was sponsored by Freedom Road Socialist Organization and featured women who are in the forefront of the fight against repression and reaction.


By Redacción

Citatorios de Corte, Cateos y Visitas del FBI se Realizan en Varias Ciudades De los Estados Unidos de América

Denunciamos al Buro de Investigaciones Federales, FBI. Por el hostigamiento a los activistas del movimiento Anti-Guerra y de Solidaridad en varios estados a través de país.

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By staff

Subpoenas, Searches, and FBI visits carried out in cities across the country

We denounce the Federal Bureau of Investigation harassment of anti-war and solidarity activists in several states across the country. The FBI began turning over six houses in Chicago and Minneapolis this morning, Friday, September 24, 2010, at 8:00 am central time. The FBI handed subpoenas to testify before a federal grand jury to about a dozen activists in Illinois, Minnesota, and Michigan. They also attempted to intimidate activists in California and North Carolina.


By staff

Sara Martin talking with Azam al-Sadat Farahi, wife of Iranian Pres. Ahmadinejad

New York, NY – Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad met here, September 21, with 100 leaders and representatives of anti-war, labor, alternative media and Iranian and Palestinian solidarity organizations. Among the participants were Sarah Martin, Freedom Road Socialist Organization, Margaret Sarfehjooy, board member of the Minneapolis-based Women Against Military Madness, former attorney general Ramsey Clark, former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, Sara Flounders from the International Action Center, Brian Becker of the ANSWER coalition, Ramona Africa of the Free Mumia Coalition and Amiri Baraka, poet and activist.