Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Jess Sundin speaking at Committee to Stop FBI Repression national conference.

*Fight Back News Service is circulating the following speech delivered by Jess Sundin, Nov. 5, at the first national conference of the Committee to Stop FBI Repression, in Chicago. Sundin is a leader in the anti-war movement. Her home was among those raided by the FBI, on Sept. 24, 2010.*


By staff

Participants in FRSO teach-in on capitalism at Occupy MN

Minneapolis, MN – Following a march on the banks here, October 29, more than 40 people attended a teach-in organized by Freedom Road Socialist Organization. Entitled, “How capitalism works, and why it doesn’t work for the 99%,” the event brought together activists for a serious discussion on what is wrong with the capitalist system.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

On Sept. 24, 2010 the FBI launched a series of coordinated raids against anti-war and international solidarity activists in the Midwest. More than 70 agents of the FBI, ATF and Joint Terrorism Task Force were involved. Also raided that day was the office of the Twin Cities Anti-War Committee. In concert with the raids, the FBI made attempts to intimidate activists in California, North Carolina and Wisconsin.


By staff

West Allis, WI – Chance Zombor, of Freedom Road Socialist Organization speaking at huge September 3 counter protest against Nazi rally.

#WestAllisWI #FreedomRoadSocialistOrganization #frso

By Masao Suzuki

Artist Lewis Suzuki

Berkeley, CA – On Aug. 14, artist Iwao Lewis Suzuki was inducted into the La Peña Cultural Center Community Hall of Fame, which recognizes cultural activism for social change. Previous inductees into the Community Hall of Fame include Dolores Huerta, Victor Jara, Linda Tillery and Angela Davis.


By staff

Preparing signs for anti war march

Minneapolis, MN – Responding to President Obama’s June 22 national televised speech on Afghanistan, Meredith Aby of the Twin Cites based Anti War Committee stated, “The U.S. needs to get out of Afghanistan now.” Aby was one of the main organizers of the massive anti-war march on the opening day of the 2008 Republican National Convention and she is one of the 23 peace and international solidarity activists who have been subpoenaed to appear in front of the Chicago grand jury investigating ‘material support for terrorism.’ The grand jury, headed by U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald, is attempting to criminalize anti-war activism.


By staff

Speakers on panel discussion about war on Libya

Milwaukee, WI – On June 8, representatives of Students for a Democratic Society, Freedom Road Socialist Organization and the Nation of Islam held a panel discussion on the current conflict in Libya.


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following resolution adopted by workers and communist parties gathered at the International Communist Seminar in Brussels, Belgium, May 13-15. The statement expresses solidarity with Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO), along with other anti-war and international solidarity activists who are facing repression in the United States. The resolution was signed by 42 parties.


By Redacción

Door kicked down by SWAT team at Carlos Montes' home.

Lucha y Resiste esta circulando el siguiente comunicado del Comite Contra la Represion del FBI.

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By staff

Door kicked down by SWAT team at Carlos Montes' home.

*Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the [Committee to Stop FBI Repression](*