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News and Views from the People's Struggle

Workers, communist parties declare solidarity with FRSO in fight against repression

By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following resolution adopted by workers and communist parties gathered at the International Communist Seminar in Brussels, Belgium, May 13-15. The statement expresses solidarity with Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO), along with other anti-war and international solidarity activists who are facing repression in the United States. The resolution was signed by 42 parties.

Resolution in solidarity with the Freedom Road Socialist Organization against new McCarthyism

The undersigned participating at the 20th International Communist Seminar in Brussels, Belgium, May 13-15, 2011, denounce the U.S. Government repression of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO), its leaders, and its allies in the anti-war and international solidarity movements.

The FRSO members are under attack due to their support for the struggles of the people of Palestine and Colombia. The FRSO members and friends are accused of “material support for terrorism” because they organize protest against U.S. wars for Empire in the Middle East, against U.S. aid to Israel, and against U.S. military intervention in Colombia. The U.S. Government is claiming the publishing of articles and opinions favorable to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) in the newspaper “Fight Back” constitutes a crime. We reject this criminalization of political speech and organizing.

We denounce the Federal Bureau of Investigation (F.B.I.) raids targeting the homes and offices of progressives and revolutionaries. We demand an end to secretive Grand Jury where there is no judge and activists are not even allowed a lawyer. We applaud the 23 solidarity activists’ refusal to appear and speak at the Grand Jury despite the threat of imprisonment.

As internationalists, we support organizing in solidarity with people and movements struggling against U.S. imperialism.

We stand in solidarity with the FRSO against this new McCarthyism.

List of signatories

1. Albania, Communist Party of Albania

2. Azerbaidjan, Communist Party of Azerbaidjan

3. Belarus, For the Union and the Communist Party of the Union

4. Belgium, Workers' Party of Belgium

5. Brazil, Partido Pátria Livre

6. Bulgaria, Party of Bulgarian Communists

7. Congo, Democratic Republic of, Congolese Communist Party

8. Cuba, Partido Comunista de Cuba

9. Ecuador, Partido Comunista de Ecuador

10. Egypt, Communist Party of Egypt

11. El Salvador, Partido Comunista de El Salvador (PCS)

12. France, PRCF – Pôle de Renaissance communiste en France

13. France, URCF – Union des Révolutionnaires-Communistes de France

14. Greece, Communist Party of Greece (KKE)

15. Guyana, People Progressive Party

16. Hungary, Hungarian Communist Workers' Party

17. Italy, Rete dei Comunisti

18. Korea, Democratic People's Republic of, Workers' Party of Korea

19. Latvia, Socialist Party of Latvia

20. Lebanon, Parti Communiste Libanais

21. Lithuania, Socialist Party of Lithuania

22. Lithuania, Socialist People's Front

23. Malta, Communist Party of Malta

24. Martinique, Parti Communiste Martiniquais

25. Mexico, Partido Comunista de México

26. Mexico, Partido Popular Socialista de México

27. Morocco, Voie démocratique

28. Pakistan, Communist Party of Pakistan

29. Palestine, Palestinian Communist Party

30. Peru, Partido Comunista Peruano

31. Philippines, Communist Party of the Philippines

32. Russia, Communist Party of the Russian Federation

33. Russia, Russian Communist Workers' Party – Revolutionary Party of Communists

34. Russia, Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU)

35. Slovakia, Communist Party of Slovakia

36. South Africa, South African Communist Party

37. Spain, Partido Comunista de los Pueblos de España

38. Sweden, Communist Party (KP)

39. Syria, Syrian Communist Party

40. Tunisia, Parti du Travail patriotique et démocratique de Tunisie

41. Turkey, Communist Party of Turkey

42. Ukraine, Union of Communists

43. United Kingdom, Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist)

44. USA, Communist Party USA

45. USA, Workers World Party

#BrusselsBelgium #FreedomRoadSocialistOrganization #frso #September24FBIRaids #InternationalCommunistSeminar

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