Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Tucson, AZ – More than 300 people gathered on Nov. 12, joining the wave of protests across the country with loud and clear messages of rejection of the new president-elect Donald Trump and his agenda of right-wing hate and repression.


By Cassia Laham

Miami protest against President-elect Donald Trump.

Miami, FL – Over 4000 people took to the streets of Miami Friday night, Nov. 11 to protest the presidential election and President-elect Donald Trump. Like the dozens of major protests that have erupted across the country, this impromptu emergency call to action was issued one day after the election results were announced and immediately spread like wildfire over social media.


By Andrew Arachikavitz

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New York, NY – After days of unrest following the results of the U.S. presidential election, tens of thousands of people continue to flood the streets of downtown Manhattan, Nov. 12, in direct opposition to the new President-elect Donald J. Trump.


By Cassia Laham

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Miami, FL – Over 4000 people took to the streets of Miami Friday night, Nov. 11 to protest the presidential election and President-elect Donald Trump. Like the dozens of major protests that have erupted across the country, this impromptu emergency call to action was issued one day after the election results were announced and immediately spread like wildfire over social media.


By Fabian Van Onzin

Houston, TX – Dozens of people marched through downtown for the third night of protests, Nov. 12, against Donald Trump. They began with a few speeches in Market Square Park, and then marched to the jailhouse where one of the activists who was arrested Nov. 10 was still being held. They chanted outside of the jailhouse, “Free Shere, free Shere!” and after about 20 minutes, she was released.


By Jessica Schwartz

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Tampa, FL – Over 200 people gathered here, Nov. 10, at the Sam Gibbons Courthouse in downtown Tampa to protest the President-elect Donald Trump. The action was organized by Tampa Bay Students for a Democratic Society (SDS).


By staff

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New York, NY – Thousands took to the streets here, Nov. 12, to oppose President-elect Donald Trump. Demonstrators marched to Trump Tower. A wave of protests has swept the U.S. since Trump’s election.

#NewYorkNY #PeoplesStruggles

By Fabian Van Onzin

Houston protest against Trump

Houston, TX – Hundreds of people, many who were students, came out to protest the election of Donald Trump, Nov. 10. They gathered in front of City Hall and began chanting, “Hey Trump, you liar, we're here to say you're fired,” followed by a few speeches. The sentiment of the crowd was one of rage and anger.


By Regina Joseph

Tallahassee protest against President elect Trump.

Tallahassee, FL -The night after the election, Nov. 9, 200 Florida State University (FSU) students, faculty and community members assembled on the steps of the Old Florida Capitol to protest against President-elect Donald Trump.


By Brad Sigal

Trump protesters blocking I-94

Minneapolis, MN – Two days after Donald Trump was declared the winner in the presidential election, several thousand people poured into the streets of Minneapolis, Nov. 10, to express their outrage and pledging to resist Trump’s entire reactionary agenda. Chants ranged from “We reject the president elect!” and “Not our president!” to chants supporting particular struggles and movements like immigrant rights, Black Lives Matter, Native struggles, environmental struggles, LGBTQ and women's liberation, and more.