Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Protest against Trump in St. Petersburg, FL

St. Petersburg, FL – On Nov. 13, the recent wave of nationwide anti-Trump protests crashed the shores of downtown Saint Petersburg, when over 1000 people gathered at Demen’s Landing. The protesters marched to nearby Williams Park and back during Sunday evening’s mass-demonstration. Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)-St. Petersburg and the Tampa Bay Alliance for Positive Change cosponsored the protest.


By Ian Cox

SDS protest against Trump

Lufkin, TX – Students for a Democratic Society at Angelina College held an anti-Trump rally on Nov. 15. Chants of “Racist, sexist, anti-gay, President Trump cannot stay!” rang out, catching the attention of other students and school administrators.


By Masao Suzuki

El presidente electo Donald Trump ha prometido una nueva fase de represión contra los inmigrantes indocumentados en los EE.UU., de los cuales el 70% son mexicanos y centro americanos. Durante su campaña presidencial, Trump se dirigió a los inmigrantes mexicanos con ataques racistas, llamándolos narcotraficantes, criminales y violadores. El “Nuevo Contrato con el Elector Americano”, plan de acción para los primeros 100 días de su administración, cumple con las promesas de su campaña.

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By staff

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Thousands of students, community members and activist gathered and marched, Nov. 15, to protest President-elect Donald Trump on the University of Arizona campus.


By staff

Over 3200 people took the streets here, Nov. 10, to voice their dissatisfaction with President-elect Donald Trump. The march was led by the Young People's Resistance Committee (formerly known as Youth Empowered in the Struggle). Like many marches around the country, the people were angry.


By Masao Suzuki

President-elect Donald Trump has promised a new level of repression against undocumented immigrants in the U.S., 70% of whom are Mexican and Central American. Throughout his campaign for president, Trump has targeted Mexican immigrants with racist attacks, calling them drug dealers, criminals and rapists. His new “Contract with the American Voter” describing his 100-day action plan follows through his campaign promises.


By Carlos Montes

ELA high school students rally at historic Mariachi Plaza in Boyle Heights

Los Angeles, CA – Several thousand high school students walk out of over six schools to protest Trump. Chanting, “Not my president,” “No deportations,” “Sí se puede,” the students kicked off their march by first assembling at Mariachi Plaza, then marching to LA City Hall. Once at city hall, students held a large rally where they were met by more students, many of whom walked for over eight miles. The students, many from undocumented families, are angry with Trump's call for mass deportations, doing away with DACA, and putting up an additional border wall. There were no arrests.


By Redacción

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Minneapolis, MN – Sobre los resultados electorales del 9 de noviembre, el secretario político de la Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad (FRSO) Steff Yorek dijo “Trump es un tóxico promotor de ataques racistas anti-inmigrante y anti-musulmán, como también es un enemigo de las mujeres. Su campaña populista de derecha atrajo a todas las fuerzas reaccionarias y retrogradas del país. Como predicador de la avaricia, no hay duda que hará cuanto esté en su poder para beneficiar a los multimillonarios como él. Trump no es nuestro presidente y tenemos que hacer todo lo posible para hundir su administración con una marea de lucha y resistencia. Debemos hacer que el país sea ingobernable”.

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By Matt Boynton

Demands that university president be fired

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A group of more than 50 students, led by Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), took over the first floor of Coffman Memorial Union, the University of Minnesota’s student center, for a public demonstration and teach-in on issues of inequalities in education mid-day on Nov. 9.


By Michael Graham

Asheville, NC – Over 400 people came out for a protest Nov. 12 against President-elect Donald Trump. The protest was put together by Freedom Road Socialist Organization organizers Charla Schlueter and Sarah Graham and was the third day in a row for protests here.