Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


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Hundreds of protesters took over the streets of downtown Miami Saturday afternoon. Feb. 4. The large crowd marched from Bayfront Park to the Miami Dade Courthouse behind a banner that read “Dump Trump.” The march was organized by the Anti-Trump Action Committee (ATAC), whose demands included; reinstating Miami as a sanctuary city, undoing the immigration ban, no construction of any wall along the border, and no use of nuclear weapons.


By staff

According to a Feb. 4 report from Iran’s authoritative FARS News Agency, a commander in the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh, had harsh words for the Trump administration.


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Thousands of protesters converged on the capitol, Feb. 4, to demand an end to Trump's Muslim ban and attacks on immigrant communities.


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Hundreds gathered for a victory rally Feb. 2 organized by the Milwaukee Coalition Against Trump. Protesters celebrated their success in stopping Trump from visiting and holding a press event at a Harley-Davidson plant in Milwaukee County. Speakers at the rally celebrated shutting down his press event and put an emphasis on putting this momentum and energy back into the fight against his racist agenda.


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More than 1000 people came out to protest in front of Senator McCain’s office in downtown Tucson, Jan. 31, to protest Trump’s latest executive action banning many Muslims from entering the country. Although the protest was spontaneously organized through Facebook by community members, given the recent nationwide outrage against Trump’s latest attacks against immigrants, Muslims and refugees, people from all backgrounds answered the call for mobilization.


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About 15,000 people marched through the streets of downtown here, Jan. 31 to protest Trump’s Muslim ban. The protest was organized by the Twin Cities-based Anti-War Committee.


By staff

The White House announced today, Jan. 31, that it would be canceling Trump's speaking event in the Milwaukee area on Thursday, Feb. 2. The news came after there was massive outcry against the decision, with the Milwaukee Coalition Against Trump (MCAT) spearheading the resistance.


By Nadxheli Diaz

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The chants “Refugees are welcome here!” “No Trump, no KKK, no fascist USA!” “Let them in!” and others were heard at the LAX Tom Bradley International Arrivals Terminal, where protesters rallied Jan. 29 against Trump’s Muslim ban.


By Fabian Van Onzin

Over 1000 people protested at Bush Intercontinental Airport against Trump's Muslim ban. According to various news sources, multiple people are being detained at the airport due to the new executive order. The protesters occupied the international terminal and demanded that all the detained be released. The police tried to disperse the crowd, but were unsuccessful as more people poured into the terminal. There were people both inside and outside. At the height of the action, the entire hallway was filled with people from all walks of life. They chanted, “No more borders!” and ''Stop the hate, stop the fear, Muslims are welcome here.”


By Cassia Laham

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Hundreds of protesters gathered at noon, Jan. 29, outside of the departing terminals of Miami International Airport to denounce the U.S.’s recent ban on immigrants from countries throughout the Middle East and North Africa. The crowd grew bigger and more militant throughout the afternoon, despite the pouring rain and chilly weather. Signs and activists were dampened but their spirits were not.