Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

los angeles

By Carlos Montes

Antonieta Garcia speaking to media after victory at Los Angeles school board meeting.  | Fight Back! News/staff

Los Angeles, CA – In a hotly debated Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) board meeting February 13, a motion to lessen the negative impact on public schools from charter school co-location passed 4 to 3.


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from Centro CSO.


By Luis Sifuentes

Family of Daniel Hernandez speaking to the crowd.

Los Angeles, CA – On June 17, Roosevelt High School Alumni for Black Lives Matter (RHS Alumni for BLM) held a rally in Boyle Heights. Chanting “Prosecute killer cops!” and “Defund the police,” participants marched almost two miles, from Mariachi Plaza in Boyle Heights to downtown Los Angeles.


By Jared Hamil

People gather in Grand Park in downtown LA to demand "Close the camps."

Los Angeles, CA – On October 12, hundreds of people gathered downtown to demand Trump’s concentration camps be closed. Many organizations and labor unions came together including NDLON Day Labor Organizing Centers and MEChA de CSULA with a clear message, “Close the camps.” October 12 was a national day of action in which multiple cities participated.


By Sol Márquez

Gloria Arellanes speaking at commemoration of Chicano Moratorium.

Los Angeles, CA – On Aug. 29, the strong and inspirational Gloria Arellanes spoke at the Centro CSO yearly Chicano Moratorium commemoration, held at Self Help Graphics. Arellanes, who is a proud Chicana and Tongva, spoke about her invaluable experiences while building the Chicano movement for self-determination and liberation.


By staff

Protest demands justice for Isaiah Tucker who was killed by Oshkosh cops.

Los Angeles, CA – On August 2, family and friends held a loud protest over the July 14 killing of Erick Aguirre by the Rialto Police Department (RPD). The 50-person protest included a picket line in front of the RPD, posters and a large banner with Aguirre’s image. The protest got wide coverage by local media and received support from passing cars with waves and horns honking.


By Redacción

Joven de 14 años es asesinado por la Policía de Los Ángeles

Los Ángeles, CA – La noche del 10 de agosto, cientos de personas se reunieron en el corazón de la comunidad de Boyle Heights, entre Breed St. y Cesar Chavez Ave, para exigir que se haga justica por el asesinato de Jesse Romero, el joven de apenas 14 años de edad que fue abatido a tiros la noche anterior por la policía de Los Ángeles (LAPD por sus siglas en ingles). El incidente ocurrió luego de que el LAPD detuviera al joven por hacer grafiti. Jesse Romero es la quinta persona y el segundo menor, asesinado este año por el LAPD en Boyle Heights; el LAPD ya lleva 12 asesinatos en la ciudad de Los Ángeles en tan solo este año.

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By Redacción

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Los Ángeles, CA – En una rueda de prensa realizada el 5 de julio, bajo el canto de “Justicia para Edwin Rodríguez”, la familia y abogados presentaron una demanda contra el Condado de Los Ángeles y los vice-alguaciles del Departamento de Sheriffs, Andrew Alatorre y Sandy Galdámez, por el asesinato del joven padre de 24 años.

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By staff

Protestors in front of LA courthouse demand "drop the charges against Carlos"

Los Angeles, CA – Veteran Chicano leader Carlos Montes was back in court here, Feb. 8, winning a small legal victory. Superior Court Judge Lomeli agreed to review records on the sheriff’s deputy who transported Montes the East Los Angeles jail after the FBI-orchestrated raid on his home last year. The judge will review the files and turn over to Montes’ attorney any relevant documents.


By staff

Los Angeles, CA – Hundreds marched here Dec. 10, protesting “Secure Communities,” the Immigration Custom Enforcement/police program that attacks poor and working class immigrants, mostly Mexican and Central American, who are caught up in traffic or other minor infractions.


By Jose Gonzalez

Los Angeles, CA – An important anti-war conference, titled “Community Conference Against The War: Building Community Power and International Solidarity” was held at the Hollenbeck Park Recreation Center on Feb. 23.


By Ray Sosa

Los Angeles, CA – On Nov. 18, members of the New Raza Left and other community members came together to draft a list of demands for a campaign to make changes in the deplorable conditions of the Los Angeles public school system. The meeting identified three main areas of focus and came up with demands to be placed on the school district.


By Latinos Against War

Hunger srikers at press conference

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from Latinos Against War.

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