Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Communist Party of the Philippines.

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Philippines has directed its entire membership and the New People’s Army to frustrate the AFP’s all-out war in a statement issued today, December 26, to mark its 56th founding anniversary.


By Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad

La Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad condena la continua agresión respaldada por los Estados Unidos contra Siria. El presidente Bashar al-Assad fue obligado a huir del país y ahora se encuentra exiliado en Moscú. Lo que está claro es que el gobierno sirio ha colapsado. Este ataque flagrante contra la soberanía siria es parte de un esfuerzo más amplio – por parte de los imperialistas occidentales, Israel y las fuerzas reaccionarias en la región – para derrotar al Eje de Resistencia, que lucha por la liberación de Palestina y para poner fin al control estadounidense en la región.

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By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Communist Party of the Philippines.

The Communist Party of the Philippines and the New People’s Army cannot declare a holiday ceasefire in the face of the Marcos regime’s relentless war of suppression, offensive military operations and imposition of martial law in the countryside.


By staff

Miembros de Anakbayan presentan Di Pangkaraniwan. | Danny Fabella/¡Lucha y Resiste!

Washington, DC — El viernes por la noche, 15 de noviembre, Anakbayan DC celebró su quinto aniversario con presentaciones culturales que incluyeron canciones, bailes, poesía, comida y más en la Universidad American.


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Communist Party of the Philippines.

The Communist Party of the Philippines and the Filipino people express the strongest outrage at the inhuman treatment and acts of humiliation against political prisoner Tomas Dominado. Dominado, who is 74 years old, has long been known as a revolutionary activist and fighter in the Panay island. He has served as consultant of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines in peace negotiations.


By Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad

El 27 de noviembre, el Líbano y el gobierno israelí, que cuenta con el respaldo de los Estados Unidos y el apartheid, implementaron un alto el fuego. Hezbolá, un poderoso ejército en el Medio Oriente que lucha por liberar a Palestina, combatió a Israel hasta detenerlo. El Ejército Libanés ya está reportando que las fuerzas de ocupación israelíes han violado los términos del alto al fuego varias veces en los dos últimos días.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

The Freedom Road Socialist Organization condemns the ongoing U.S.-backed aggression against Syria. President Bashar Al-Assad has been forced to flee the country, and now sits in exile in Moscow. What is clear is that the Syrian government has collapsed. This blatant assault on Syrian sovereignty is part of a larger effort – by Western imperialists, Israel and reactionary forces in the region – to defeat the Axis of Resistance, which is fighting for the liberation of Palestine and to end U.S. control in the region.


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following December 9 statement from the MN Anti-War Committee.

The government of Syria led by President Bashar al-Assad has collapsed. This upheaval has major implications for the struggle against U.S. imperialism and Israeli aggression in the region. Regardless of who leads Syria, the Anti-War Committee remains opposed to interference in Syria by the United States, Israel, and their imperialist allies.

Israel has occupied and illegally settled Syria’s Golan Heights since 1967, and is already using Syria’s instability to expand its so-called “buffer zone,” while continuing its bombing raids in Syria. Israel seeks to pressure Syria into accepting the theft of the Golan Heights and normalizing relations. It also may have its eye on expanding its occupation in Syria for future Zionist settlement.

As part of its support for Israel, the United States has been working to weaken and destabilize Syria for years. The U.S. has openly backed certain factions in Syria since at least 2012, with the now-declassified “Timber Sycamore” weapons smuggling operation led by the CIA, and the “Syrian Train and Equip” program led by the Pentagon. The U.S. has economically sanctioned Syria since 1979 when it first labeled the country as a “state sponsor of terrorism.” In 2020, brutal new U.S. sanctions devastated Syria’s financial, energy and construction sectors, severely limiting access to electricity and basic humanitarian goods for millions of Syrians, while harming reconstruction efforts. And since 2015, the U.S. military has directly had boots on the ground in Syria, notably occupying Syria’s oil fields.

Some are celebrating what they see as the fall of a repressive tyrant. Others are mourning the collapse of a bulwark of resistance to Israel, with Syria providing a crucial supply line for resistance groups in neighboring Lebanon as well as Gaza. In any case, we know Israel sees Assad’s downfall as a victory, and is already eagerly taking advantage of the situation with an unchecked onslaught of attacks on Syria.

Ultimately, it’s not yet clear what political forces will shape the new Syria. From our perspective of international solidarity against Israel’s expanding genocide in the Levant, we hope any new government that emerges is able to resist U.S./Israeli attacks, and continues Syria’s support for the resistance in Lebanon and Palestine.

We encourage our followers to remain committed to the principles of anti-imperialism, sovereignty and independence for all nations, and steadfast, united opposition to the U.S.-backed Zionist project.

#International #Syria #AntiWarMovement #Palestine #MNAWC

By staff

Simon Trinidad.

Fight Back! is circulating this timely statement from the Committee to Free Simon Trinidad.

Call President Biden at 202-456-1111 and ask him to “Free Simon Trinidad!” Call between 11am-3pm Eastern, from Tuesday, December 10 to Thursday, December12.

Leave your message to “Free Simon Trinidad!” on the White House comment line. Now is the time to call before President Biden leaves the White House in January 2024.


By Jon Abraham

A group of people perform music for an audience.

Washington, DC – On Friday evening, November 15, Anakbayan DC celebrated their five-year anniversary with cultural performances including songs, dances, poetry, food and more at American University.


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP). Freedom Road Socialist Organization was one of the conference participants.

The National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) has successfully convened its third international theoretical conference from November 29-30 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands on the topic of National Liberation from Imperialism.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

On November 27, Lebanon and the U.S.-backed apartheid government of Israel enacted a ceasefire. Hezbollah, a powerful army in the Middle East fighting to free Palestine, fought Israel to a standstill. The Lebanese Army is already reporting that Israeli occupation forces have breached the terms of the ceasefire multiple times in the last two days.


By Yossi Aharoni

On November 18, news media reported the Biden administration authorized sending long-range ATACMS missiles to Ukraine to be used in the U.S. proxy war against Russia. This is an especially dangerous escalation by the Biden administration, because it simultaneously authorizes U.S.-sponsored missile strikes into pre-2014 Russian territory. This is something the Biden administration had stated was a red line for Russia.


By staff

Khalida Jarrar.

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association. “Addameer” is Arabic for conscience.

The Israeli occupation authorities have been isolating administrative detainee Khalida Jarrar in solitary confinement at Neve Tirtza isolation ward in Ramla prison for the 100th consecutive day under severe and inhumane conditions. On August 12, 2024, prison authorities stormed her cell at Damon prison and transferred her to an undisclosed location before informing her she was being moved to solitary confinement. Since then, Jarrar has remained in isolation with no explanation for the decision. Yesterday, it was revealed that her isolation period had been extended until December 17, 2024.


By staff

Oakland, Califonia event stresses solidarity between Korean and Palestinian struggles against imperialism.   | Staff/Fight Back! News

Oakland, CA – On November 17, Nodutdol held an educational film screening and fundraiser highlighting solidarity between Korea and Palestine. Around 100 people gathered at East Side Arts Alliance in Oakland for the event, which was co-sponsored by Palestinian Youth Movement.


By staff

Chicago students rally in support of Cuba.  | Staff/Fight Back! News

Chicago, IL – On Tuesday, October 29, over 50 student and community activists gathered in the quad at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) to demand an end to the illegal U.S. blockade of Cuba. This solidarity action was prompted because on October 30, the United Nations was set to vote on a resolution submitted by Cuba calling for an end to the brutal blockade imposed by the United States government.


By staff

U.S. out of Korea conference in Aurora, Colorado.   | Staff/Fight Back! News

Aurora, CO – On October 26, community groups came together in Aurora, Colorado, for a conference supporting the “U.S. Out of Korea” campaign, launched by Nodutdol last June. The event took place at the Active Adult Center on Del Mar Circle in Aurora.


By staff

Left to right: Eric Struch, an elder from the Cuba Sí Coalition, Aaron Dille, and Haki Drake Materre

Chicago, IL – Socialist Cuba has been in the news quite a bit lately, from its resounding victory at the recent UN vote condemning the blockade of the revolutionary island to its people-centered response to Hurricanes Helene and Milton. What is it about the political and social system in Cuba that has simultaneously drawn the wrath of U.S. imperialism and also allowed it to resist and develop the revolution under the most difficult conditions? Over 100 activists and revolutionaries decided to travel to Cuba to find out.


By Sarah Martin

Minneapolis protest against U.S. blockade of Cuba.  | Staff/Fight Back! News

Minneapolis, MN – On October 28, Cuba solidarity activists rallied at the Federal Building in downtown Minneapolis to demand the Biden administration vote at the UN to end the economic war on Cuba. For 32 years, the United Nations has voted every year almost unanimously to end the cruel economic blockade against Cuba which the U.S. has imposed for over 60 years. To tighten the noose, in 2021 the U.S. added the designation of Cuba as a “state sponsor of terrorism” (SSOT) a ridiculous charge that leads to only more sanctions.


By staff

Sheikh Naim Qassem.

Atlanta, GA – On October 29, Hezbollah announced the election of Sheikh Naim Qassem as the party’s new secretary-general. Qassem is the successor to Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, who was assassinated by Israeli forces in an airstrike last month.

In a public statement, Hezbollah’s leading body, the Shura Council, recognized that the election of Sheikh Qassem represents a reaffirmation of the group’s long-standing commitment to defending Lebanon’s national sovereignty and the cause of Palestinian liberation.

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