May 1, International Workers Day, is a celebration of the heroic struggle for a better world waged by workers and oppressed people around the world. Monopoly capitalism is the system we fight against. This system is everywhere, from our low wages and the lack of affordable health care, to racist and bigoted laws, to the neverending war and oppression felt around the globe.
Reporte de la delegación de FRSO en Caracas.El siguiente informe viene de la delegación de la Organización Socialista del Camino de a la Libertad en Venezuela.
Jacksonville, FL – The Student Commission of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) recently met to discuss building a revolutionary student movement to challenge President Trump and the Republicans’ reactionary and racist agenda.
Washington D.C. – The Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) is building for a rally and march against U.S. wars and racism in Washington D.C. this Saturday, March 30.
Minneapolis, MN – The following speech was given by Freedom Road Socialist Organization Twin Cites District Organizer Jess Sundin at a Minneapolis International Women’s Day rally, which was held on March 9.
Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) condemns in the strongest possible terms the actions of the Trump administration and its allies as violations of the sovereignty of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. By declaring that he will no longer recognize Nicolás Maduro as the legitimate president, and instead claiming right-wing politician Juan Guaidó is head of state, Donald Trump opens the door to a brutal Syria-style intervention in the heart of South America. It became even clearer that the United States seeks war in Venezuela when, after Maduro severed relations with the United States and demanded all of its officials leave the country, the White House announced that it had no intention of removing its diplomats.
On the occasion of the inauguration to a second term as President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) sends its warmest congratulations and solidarity to Nicolás Maduro and the people's movement of Venezuela.
Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).
Chicago, IL – Representatives of Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) met this morning, August 8, with Maria Rincon, Consul General of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.