Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

free palestine

By Chrisley Carpio

Group of protesters stand in a circle facing outward with their elbows interlocked. In the background several lines of police officer with riot shields are visible.

Tampa, FL – On Wednesday, April 30, University of South Florida students and community members embarked on their second day of setting up a solidarity encampment for Gaza at the Martin Luther King Plaza. Their demands are to disclose the university's investments in companies that fund and prop up Israel, divest from them, publicly condemn the genocide happening in Gaza and express support for Palestinian students, and stop all attacks on pro-Palestine student protesters.


By staff

Crowd holds signs saying "Victory to the Palestinian Resistance".

New York, NY – On Wednesday, May 1, thousands upon thousands of New Yorkers took to the streets to celebrate International Workers Day. This May Day, there was a shift in focus to include demands around Palestine and solidarity with the students at the six different Gaza Solidarity Encampments.


By Jacob Muldoon

On May 1, Senate Republicans held a news briefing condemning the pro-Palestine student encampments that have swept the nation over the past weeks. An hour later, the White House held a press briefing condemning the protests, referring to them as antisemitic, and deferred to campus administration when asked about mass arrests. These briefings come after a night of coast-to-coast mass arrests and violent attacks by police departments and Zionist counter-protesters, from Columbia to UCLA.


By Cas Casanova

Five arrestees hold up fists outside the jail where they were held.

Tallahassee, FL – On the morning of Wednesday, May 1, about 30 students at Florida State University (FSU) established a Palestine solidarity encampment on Landis Green, the epicenter of FSU campus. They had camped for three days prior to demand a meeting with FSU President Richard McCullough.


By staff

UCF residence hall with patio tables in a courtyard.

Orlando, FL – On April 26, an informal student conduct hearing was held at the University of Central Florida (UCF) in the political repression case of Marcus Polzer, a UCF Students for a Democratic Society member.


By staff

Protestors hold signs while gathered outside of building.

New Orleans, LA - On April 15, activists and community members in New Orleans gathered in an emergency rally at the Harol Boggs Federal Building to voice their support for Iran’s calculated and warranted retaliation against Israel’s illegal attack on the Iranian embassy and officials in Damascus, Syria. The protesters further highlighted the need to oppose any U.S. military involvement in the region that could result from Iran’s retaliation.


By Sydney Malanaphy

Colorado Springs, CO – On March 23, the Colorado Springs People’s Coalition gathered at Grant Park in Colorado Springs to honor the 32,000 Palestinians murdered by Israel in the assault on Gaza.


By Sol Márquez

Protesters hold signs saying "From the river to the sea Palestine will be free" and "End US Aid to Israel" while a lead protester chants on a bullhorn.

Hollywood, CA — A protest of 60 people gathered, March 10, near the Oscars to disrupt, chanting, “From the sea to the river, Palestine will live forever!”


By Jo Hargis

A Gate labeled "General Dynamics ordnance and tactical systems gate 1" is visible in the background behind a fence with barbed wire on top. In the foreground, a protester wearing a keffiyeh stands on top of a car and chants while holding a sign that says "The Israeli occupation uses BLU-109 bombs built by General Dynamics!"

Garland, TX – On March 7,  a pro-Palestine demonstration at the General Dynamics Ordnance plant in Garland, Texas stopped production for about six hours. General Dynamics produces several classes of bombs currently being used to kill Palestinians.

Some protesters used their cars to block entrances at the plant. Shortly after the protesters' arrival, workers began to arrive at the plant but were unable to enter. An 18-wheeler loaded with bomb parts was forced to wait outside the facility for the duration of the demonstration.


By Cassia Laham

Protesters hold a banner that reads "Lockheed Martin Bombs Hospitals"

Orlando, FL – 25 students gathered at the University of Central Florida, March 4, to protest the presence of Lockheed Martin on their campus. UCF Students for a Democratic Society organized the rally outside of what was meant to be a “Diversity Panel” hosted by the weapons manufacturer, which has supplied weapons to Israel for the ongoing occupation and war against the people of Palestine.