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Oregon: Pro-Palestinian protesters return to Collins Aerospace

By Finn Cunningham

Marchers walk holding signs that read "US out of Palestine" and "Stop aiding genocide."

Wilsonville, OR – On August 12, pro-Palestinian organizers returned to weapons manufacturer Collins Aerospace for the second time to protest the company’s involvement and complicity in the ongoing genocide in Gaza.

Collins Aerospace, a subsidiary of Raytheon, creates vision tech and equipment that is sent to the Israeli occupation. The group PDX for Palestine called the action and demanded Collins Aerospace cease its business with the Israeli occupation.

PDX for Palestine held their first rally at Collins Aerospace on June 24, and members emphasized that constant pressure and presence makes an impact. Protest attendee Omar Gil stated, “We must continue to be inspired by the liberation fighters and raise the struggle against imperialist wars here at home. From merchants of death such as Raytheon, to the Zionist politicians funded by AIPAC, their time working in general obscurity has come to an end!”

The group of nine protesters picketed the front and side of the building for almost two hours, chanting “Raytheon you can’t hide, you’re committing genocide!” Employees were seen observing the protesters and students stopped by to ask about the groups’ efforts. The protesters ended the rally committing to keeping up the pressure against Raytheon and other war profiteers in Oregon.

#WilsonvilleOR #Raytheon #freepalestine #aipac