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Minnesotans to protest at DNC in Chicago to demand end to genocide in Gaza

By staff

Minneapolis, MN – On August 19, over 100 activists and community members from the Twin Cities will travel to Chicago to protest within sight and sound of the Democratic National Convention. Spearheaded by the MN Anti War Committee and the Twin Cities Coalition for Justice, protesters will join tens of thousands of people demanding substantive protections for immigrants, urgent interventions in the climate crisis, and an end to funding for the illegal Israeli occupation of Palestine.

Meredith Aby, a member of the MN Anti-War Committee,explains, “While dropping Genocide Joe off the Democratic ticket is progress, we have yet to get action or even promises that Harris/Walz will commit to an arms embargo on Israel. Progressive forces from around the country are coming to Chicago to tell the Democratic Party that we don’t just want an alternative to Trump, we want an end to the genocide in Gaza.”

Aby continued, “In Minnesota we have been pressuring Governor Tim Walz, as the chair of the State Board of Investment, to divest Minnesota public worker pensions from Israeli companies and companies that are profiting from Israeli apartheid and genocide. Unfortunately, we haven’t gotten any movement from him. We are traveling to Chicago to keep up the pressure!”

Humberto Martin, an organizer with Twin Cities Coalition for Justice, added, “The national news media has been celebrating the progressive agenda of Governor Walz as a reason to vote for Harris/Walz, but we know that the progressive legislation he voted for, from drivers licenses for all to free public school lunches, are because of the organizing of grassroots groups here in Minnesota.”

Nearly 100 protesters will be leaving from Bethel Lutheran Church at 10:30 the evening of the 18th. Organizations marching on the DNC from Minnesota include the Anti War Committee (AWC), Twin Cities Coalition for Justice (TCC4J),MN Free Palestine Coalition, Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee (MIRAC), Minnesota Abortion Action Committee (MNAAC), Climate Justice Committee (CJC), MN Workers United (MWU), Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO), UMN Students for a Democratic Society (UMN SDS), Women Against Military Madness (WAMM), and American Muslims for Palestine (AMP).

#MinneapolisMN #Kamala #MarchontheDNC #MarchOnDNC24 #HarrisWalz #Walz #Harris #MarchonDNC2024 #FreePalestine