Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – On August 19, over 100 activists and community members from the Twin Cities will travel to Chicago to protest within sight and sound of the Democratic National Convention. Spearheaded by the MN Anti War Committee and the Twin Cities Coalition for Justice, protesters will join tens of thousands of people demanding substantive protections for immigrants, urgent interventions in the climate crisis, and an end to funding for the illegal Israeli occupation of Palestine.


By Meredith Aby

Audience sits at meeting while protestors in audience hold up banner that reads "Walz: Want support? Stop genocide."

Saint Paul, MN – On August 14, members and supporters of the MN Free Palestine Coalition packed every available seat at the quarterly Minnesota State Board of Investment (SBI) meeting to demand divestment of state-managed pension funds and other public monies from Israeli weapons manufacturers, banks and bonds, and other entities, complicit in Israel’s apartheid system that contribute to the genocide in Palestine.