Grand Rapids, MI – Protesters here are demanding that Clear Channel radio “Dump Rush.” The Dump Rush Campaign is a nationwide response to conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh calling a young woman a “slut” and a “prostitute” on the air. Limbaugh’s attack came when law student Sandra Fluke publicly advocated for birth control and contraceptive medicine as part of government funded health care. People across the country are outraged by Limbaugh’s anti-woman attacks.
New York, NY – Jess Sundin of the Committee to Stop FBI Repression is [speaking on a panel at the Left Forum in New York City this weekend]( The Left Forum, one of the largest gatherings of left and progressive thinkers in the country, will host thousands of activists and academics organizing for social justice. Sundin will speak on the panel “U.S. Imperialist Wars, Political Prisoners, Past & Present, and the Anti-War Struggle” March 18, at 3:00 p.m., at Pace University, Pace Plaza, Room W 609.
Colombia – Colombian political prisoner Liliany “Lily” Obando is now free, released on bond from prison where she spent over three and one-half years on charges of “rebellion”. Obando is today hugging her elderly mother and two children. The International Network in Solidarity with Political Prisoners (INSPP) is celebrating the freedom of this powerful Colombian woman labor activist and human rights defender. Obando is one of 8000 political prisoners and prisoners of war imprisoned by the Colombian government.
Grand Rapids, MI – Occupy Grand Rapids protested big banks with a march here, Jan. 27. Twenty-five Grand Rapidians gathered in the snow under the Union Soldier Monument downtown. They marched with a giant orange octopus, representing the corporate tentacles reaching into all aspects of American life. Members of Occupy Grand Rapids read speeches revealing the racist, undemocratic and abusive practices of each corporate bank. Stopping outside each of the six corporate banks branches including PNG, Bank of America and Fifth Third Bank, speakers exposed the banks’ role in home foreclosures, predatory lending and student loan debt.
Grand Rapids, MI – Chanting “Condi lied, people died!” 40 people with Occupy Grand Rapids protested outside Devos Place, Nov. 16. Inside, Condoleezza Rice, former Secretary of State under the Bush administration, spoke at a $100 per plate Republican Party fund raising dinner. At the entrance to the event, Occupy protesters put a giant puppet of former Secretary of State Rice on trial for her war crimes against the people of Iraq and Afghanistan. Inside, a small gathering of Republican die-hards heard Rice promote her new book in which she defends the U.S. wars and occupations.
Grand Rapids, MI – 150 people protested here, March 15, against Michigan Governor Rick Snyder’s plans to impose extreme budget cuts to health clinics, schools and other social services. The crowd chanted, “It’s not fair!” “Chop from the top!” and “They say cut back. We say fight back!” outside a health clinic serving mainly women and children on Cherry Street in Grand Rapids.
Lansing, MI – Taking their lead from Wisconsin, 1200 protesters rallied against attacks on unions and democracy at the Michigan State Capitol, Feb. 22. Union fire fighters were out in force and in uniform, carrying signs reading, “Support Act 312,” a 1969 law establishing binding arbitration. Binding arbitration requires towns and cities to work out their differences with the workers.
Kalamazoo, MI – FBI agents continue to harass anti-war and international solidarity activists, this time in Michigan. On Feb 3., longtime Michigan peace activist Dave Staiger received a phone call from the FBI. Special agent Karlie Wood asked to interview Dave in person. Staiger told the agent, “My policy is to contact a lawyer if the FBI or police want to talk to me.” The agent said, “Contacting a lawyer is not necessary,” and that Staiger was not in any trouble. Special Agent Wood then stated that she wanted to talk about matters relating to the Grand Jury subpoenas and FBI investigation in Minneapolis and Chicago.
Tanto el Pentágono como el departamento de Estado de la administración de George Bush han estado cantando “victoria” pirrícas después que en una tramposa incursión militar en que violaron símbolos de organizaciones humanitarias como la Cruz Roja y otras, se fugaron 15 rehenes que estaban en poder de las FARC, entre los cuales figuraban los tres rehenes mercenarios de Estados Unidos (EE.UU). Lo que no le están diciendo es que las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC) se preparaban para unilateralmente dejarlos libres a comienzos del mes de julio de 2008.
The U.S. government is stepping up its surveillance and harassment of U.S. activists in an attempt to intimidate them and dampen their spirits for the change we believe in. International solidarity activist James Jordan was returning from a two week trip to Haiti, on Jan. 7, five days prior to the terrible earthquake disaster. When his flight touched down in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, flight attendants called out for “James Patrick Jordan” and asked him to come to the front of the airplane. Homeland Security came on board the airplane to escort him off.
Dice a revolucionarios Colombianos: 'Vengan a D.C.'
Washington, D.C. – Un Juez de Estados Unidos puso un aviso en periódicos de Colombia la ultima semana de agosto, “ordenando” a las FARC – las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia, presentarse en su corte en Washington D.C. Esto se suma a una lista de extraños procedimientos relacionados con la extradición, encarcelamiento y juicio de Ricardo Palmera, un importante líder de las FARC. El Juez de Distrito de Estado Unidos Thomas Hogan ridículamente afirma que miembros de las FARC deben salir de su patria y venir a los Estados Unidos para comparecer los cargos de, “secuestrar rehenes en violación de leyes norte americanas.”
Madison, WI – La Red de Acción Sobre Colombia (Colombia Action Network en ingles) se reunió en esta ciudad en marzo 8, para desarrollar la campana de defensa de los trabajadores sindicalizados de la Coca Cola a través del boicot a esta bebida. Luis Adolfo Cardona, el compañero sindicalista que escapo del intento de secuestro, tortura y asesinato por parte de los escuadrones de la muerte al servicio de la Coca Cola, dio una charla sobre la grave situación de Derechos Humanos que sufren los compañeros trabajadores en Colombia.
Washington D.C. – The defense lawyers for Colombian revolutionary Ricardo Palmera asked Judge Lamberth for a mistrial at 4:50 p.m. in a dramatic end to the day, Sept. 4. Palmera’s U.S. attorneys argued that the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) are on trial instead of Ricardo Palmera. The latest witness, Daniel Beltran, was giving speeches against the FARC and not answering questions about Ricardo Palmera. Judge Lamberth said, “The motion is denied,” and he will draft a reply and present it on the morning of Sept. 5.
The Bush Pentagon and State Department are crowing after a raid in which 15 prisoners of war, including three American mercenaries, were freed. What they are not telling you is that the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) were preparing to unilaterally release the prisoners in early July 2008.
“¡Cierren la Escuela de las Americas! ¡Cierren la Escuela de las Americas!” sonará en las orejas de los 12,000 manifestantes, estudiantes, activistas religiosas, y también las cajeras, meseras, trabajadores, soldados estadounidenses y latinoamericanos dentro y alrededor de la Escuela de las Americas, en Fort Benning, Colombus, Georgia, el 17-19 de noviembre. En Colombia, los lideres de sindicatos, las organizaciones estudiantiles, las asociaciones de campesinos, y las organizaciones que luchan para los derechos humanos también pensarán y discutirán en lugares secretos, la necesidad de cerrar la Escuela de las Americas.
Brunswick, GA – Forty people rallied here, Oct. 29 to demand that the people of Brunswick, Georgia be given the right to vote for Elaine Brown. Brown, the Green Party candidate was removed from the ballot and barred from voting following a residency challenge. The calculated attack came after six months of campaigning and after the period for Brown to be allowed as a write-in candidate. Beyond all reason, the Glynn County Board of Elections disqualified Brown. The decision was upheld without explanation by Senior Superior Court Judge Tom Pope.
Brunswick, GA – In a dramatic turnaround, Elaine Brown is back in the mayor’s race here. Brown’s re-entry as a write-in candidate was announced on the eve of election day, following a judge’s court ruling in her favor. Brown, a former leader of the Black Panther Party, is running a campaign to see the development of Brunswick’s port to benefit all the residents. Brunswick is a majority Black town where there has never been a Black mayor. Candidate Brown was kicked off the ballot in an election fraught with dirty tricks, reminiscent of the Old South. Rich white developers and Republican Party hacks are working overtime to keep Brown from being the people’s choice.
Washington, DC - 300,000 rallied and marched here, Sept. 24, to oppose the continuing U.S. war and occupation in Iraq, a turnout stunning even the organizers. In the largest anti-war protest in Washington D.C. since the Vietnam era, marchers at the White House chanted, “No blood for oil! U.S. out of Iraq!” Many took pictures of friends or family holding anti-war signs in front of the empty White House.
Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the National Committee to Free Ricardo Palmera. We urge all readers to send holiday greetings to Palmera and forward this appeal to others who support justice.
Chicago, IL – The Colombia Action Network held a successful conference here at DePaul University, Feb. 25-27. Eighty students, trade unionists and solidarity activists from eleven cities and eight universities attended. People came from as far as Montana, New Jersey, Minneapolis, Wisconsin Dells, New York, Pittsburgh and Philadelphia. Over a dozen Colombians from various movements and unions gave a strong feeling of unity and earnestness to the presentations and discussions. The Colombian activists are living in exile or came to the United States as part of the AFL-CIO Solidarity Center program to protect the lives of trade unionists.