Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Jess Sundin to speak at Left Forum in New York City

By Tom Burke

New York, NY – Jess Sundin of the Committee to Stop FBI Repression is [speaking on a panel at the Left Forum in New York City this weekend]( The Left Forum, one of the largest gatherings of left and progressive thinkers in the country, will host thousands of activists and academics organizing for social justice. Sundin will speak on the panel “U.S. Imperialist Wars, Political Prisoners, Past & Present, and the Anti-War Struggle” March 18, at 3:00 p.m., at Pace University, Pace Plaza, Room W 609.

Jess Sundin, whose home was raided by the FBI on Sept. 24, 2010, will talk about FBI repression aimed at anti-war and international solidarity activists. Sundin was one of the main leaders of the 2008 Coalition to March on the RNC in Saint Paul, Minnesota. She is one of the activists subpoenaed to a grand jury for her unwavering solidarity with people’s movements in Palestine and Colombia. A tremendous solidarity movement with the Anti-war 24 arose after the FBI raids. It continues to gain support from anti-war coalitions, labor unions, the student movement, religious and faith groups and civil and immigrant rights organizations.

The main focus for Sundin’s talk is on the pressing need to build the solidarity campaign with Chicano leader and anti-war activist Carlos Montes. The FBI and Los Angeles Sheriffs raided Montes’ home last May, busting down his front door, waving automatic weapons and ransacking his home. The FBI frame-up of Carlos Montes is an outrage based on events at a student protest at East LA College 42 years ago. Sundin will explain the facts of the case and urge nationwide solidarity for Montes on his next court date on March 27.

The other panelists will speak on their advanced experiences in organizing with movements for Puerto Rican independence, African-American self-determination, freedom for Mumia Abu Jamal, solidarity with imprisoned lawyer Lynne Stewart and animal rights.

The Committee to Stop FBI Repression will have a literature table at the Left Forum all weekend, from March 16 to March 18, where people can stop and talk with Sundin.

#NewYorkNY #JessSundin #CarlosMontes #CommitteeToStopFBIRepression #LeftForum

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