Tucson, AZ – On Monday April 1, 15 Palestine solidarity activists braved the cold spring rain in response to Israel’s latest deadly airstrikes into Syria and Lebanon. The Tucson Anti War Committee (TAWC) organized the protest at the Davis Monthan Air Force Base to condemn the U.S. escalation of its war in the Middle East and the recent decision to send 2500 more bombs and 25 more fighter jets to Israel.
Tucson, AZ – Tucson answered the national call for a day of action Saturday, November 4 by the US Palestinian Community Network, Palestinian Youth Movement, and other organizations. A crowd met at Catalina Park just north of downtown to prepare for a march. As the mass of people swelled to at least 500 people, speakers from the Tucson Anti War Committee and Arizona Palestinian Solidarity Alliance (APSA) ignited the crowd.
Tucson, AZ – Palestinians, Arabs, Muslims, students, trade unionists, elders, youth and community members in both Phoenix and Tucson have organized protests to stand with Palestine in its struggle for liberation from U.S.-funded Israeli occupation.
Tucson, AZ – In the second rally in three days, organizations and community members gathered outside the Federal Building in downtown Tucson on Monday, October 9 to show their support for the Palestinian struggle for liberation. Around 75 people gathered with signs reading, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”
Tucson, AZ – On Saturday, October 7, with just a three-hour notice, nearly 30 Tucson activists gathered at a busy street corner to demonstrate their solidarity with the advancing Palestinian resistance forces.
Tucson, AZ – Asserting their power as workers, the educators at BASIS Tucson North won three major victories even before finishing bargaining a first contract. First, paid time off days will increase from five to ten. Second, some educators will receive pay at the rate of $40 per hour for being assigned extra subbing duties. Third, the punitive “attendance bonus” system, which compensated teachers for not using their days of paid time off and which unfairly punished educators with disabilities and illnesses, will come to an end. These changes will take effect starting in August of the 2023-2024 school year.
Tucson, AZ – On April 30, 30 Palestine solidarity activists stood in 100-degree heat outside the Jewish Community Center to protest a “celebration” of the Zionist apartheid state of Israel. This was the second demonstration outside an “Israel @75” celebration in the week. On Tuesday they protested at a University of Arizona-hosted a concert.
Tucson, AZ – On April 14, a spirited crowd of around 50 people rallied on the steps of Old Main on the University of Arizona campus to demand an end to U.S. aid to Israel.
Tucson, AZ – On December 7, a month of people’s protests was kicked off when democratically-elected President Pedro Castillo, a former union educator and strike leader, was arrested by Peruvian armed forces in a coup by the oligarchy-dominated Congress. Peruvians, from indigenous groups to trade unions, immediately responded with waves of protests, marches and roadblocks. Following the orders of the coup plotters, the military and police cracked down violently on the protests, including firing on protesters from helicopters with bullets and teargas. A loosely agreed-upon truce before the holidays stopped the brutal repression, with the death toll having reached over two dozen with hundreds wounded.
Tucson, AZ – Despite massive amounts of corporate media propaganda, police crackdowns and right-wing violence, Colombians elected leftist Gustavo Petro as president in a runoff election on June 19. The new vice president is Francia Marquez Mina, an Afro-Colombian woman. This is the first time Colombia elected a president who is not from either the mainstream liberal or conservative parties.
Tucson, AZ – Camila Saab, the wife of Alex Saab, a Venezuelan diplomat illegally detained by the U.S., will speak on a webinar organized by the Alliance for Global Justice on February 3 at 6:30 p.m. Eastern Time. There will be an update on his case and opportunities to participate in actions to demand his freedom.
Tucson, AZ – It is with heavy heart that the news of the passing of longtime anti-imperialist organizer Chuck Kaufman reached communities on December 28. Born in a small Indiana town, Chuck’s life saw travels to numerous countries, most notably in the Latin American countries most firmly in the crosshairs of U.S. imperialism.
Tucson, AZ – In the early hours of June 28, 2009, Honduran soldiers snatched President Manuel “Mel” Zelaya from his home and removed him from power in a coup d’état with tacit support from the U.S. What followed was a brutal dictatorship that murdered, disappeared and oppressed Hondurans. In close collaboration with criminal cartels, the Honduran power elite implemented neoliberal policies, while violence and drugs plagued the country. It should come as no surprise that waves of Hondurans poured out into caravans headed north to seek asylum in the U.S. only to be met by the cruel denial of President Trump and U.S. troops on the border.
Tucson, AZ – On Wednesday November 17, former union bus driver and current president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, spoke to over 500 international solidarity activists from over 70 countries.
Tucson, AZ – After a record six weeks of ballot counting and false claims of fraud by right-wing candidate Keiko Fujimori, Pedro Castillo was officially announced the newest president of Peru, on the evening of July 19. Castillo, from a poor peasant background and the candidate of the Peru Libre party, found support in the masses of poor and working Peruvians fed up with the lack of response to COVID-19 and the high rates of unemployment. Equally important is the defeat of “Fujimorismo” the far-right ideology of neoliberalism and chauvinism of former President Alberto Fujimori, Keiko’s criminal father.
Tucson, AZ – One year ago on June 12, when President Trump was still in office, the vicious talons of the U.S. government reached into the West African country of Cape Verde to snatch its prey: Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab. The Colombian-born businessman was on a special mission as an envoy for the Venezuelan government. He was heading to Iran to secure trade arrangements for a vitally important food program called CLAP that delivers food to more than 85% of Venezuelan homes.
Tucson, AZ – One year ago on June 12, when President Trump was still in office, the vicious talons of the U.S. government reached into the West African country of Cape Verde to snatch its prey: Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab. The Colombian-born businessman was on a special mission as an envoy for the Venezuelan government. He was heading to Iran to secure trade arrangements for a vitally important food program called CLAP that delivers food to more than 85% of Venezuelan homes.
Tucson, AZ – In an historic election, former elementary school teacher and union leader Pedro Castillo is winning the Peruvian presidential race. As reported by the Peruvian National Office of Electoral Processes (ONPE) on the morning of June 9, Castillo is leading over right-wing candidate Keiko Fujimori.
Tucson, AZ – The Federal Building in downtown Tucson saw the largest rally since the pandemic, May 17, with over 300 people demanding an end to the Israeli bombing of Gaza. The demonstration, organized by the Arizona Palestine Solidarity Alliance and the Tucson chapter of Jewish Voice for Peace, drew protesters from the Palestinian, Arab and Muslim communities, along with other supporters of Palestine.
Tucson, AZ – The Federal Building in downtown Tucson saw the largest rally since the pandemic, May 17, with over 300 people demanding an end to the Israeli bombing of Gaza. The demonstration, organized by the Arizona Palestine Solidarity Alliance and the Tucson chapter of Jewish Voice for Peace, drew protesters from the Palestinian, Arab and Muslim communities, along with other supporters of Palestine.