Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


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Support is growing for Minneapolis educators strike.

Minneapolis MN – Teachers and education support professionals at Minneapolis Public Schools began a strike on March 8, shutting down the Minneapolis school system. Today, March 14, the strike continues as the schools remain closed for a second week.


By brad

![March 12 car caravan supports Minneapolis educators’ strike.]( “March 12 car caravan supports Minneapolis educators’ strike. March 12 car caravan supports Minneapolis educators’ strike.

(Photo by Brad Sigal)”)

Minneapolis, MN – On March 12 a car caravan brought honks of solidarity to Minneapolis Federation of Teachers (MFT) negotiating committee members while they were in talks with the school district administration at the Davis Center after a week of being on strike.


By staff

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St. Paul, MN – Thousands of striking Minneapolis teachers, education support professionals, along with supporters rallied at the Capitol Building in Saint Paul, March 9. Educators are firm in demanding a decent contract, and state they are ready to stay on strike until their demands are met. There has been widespread support from other trade unions and the community.

#StPaulMN #PeoplesStruggles #Strikes #TeachersUnions #MinneapolisTeachersUnion

By staff

Contract settlement reached in Saint Paul

Massive rally of striking educators and supporters.

Minneapolis, MN – Teachers and education support professionals in Minneapolis began striking at 7:30 a.m., March 8, with pickets held at public schools all over the city.


By staff

MN Workers United holds a press conference in support of teachers strike

Minneapolis, MN – On Saturday March 5 rank-and-file union members along with parents, teachers and students held a press conference in support of the teachers, education support professionals (ESPs) and education assistants who will begin a strike Tuesday in Minneapolis and Saint Paul public schools.


By staff

Twin Cities educators are ready to strike.

Minneapolis, MN – On February 23, Twin Cities teachers, along with education support professionals in Minneapolis and education assistants in Saint Paul, announced that they have filed ten-day notices to begin open-ended strikes in both cities’ public schools. The strikes are set to begin on Tuesday, March 8.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – Votes were counted until nearly midnight on February 17 as teachers, education assistants and education support professionals in Minneapolis and Saint Paul Minnesota voted by overwhelming majorities to authorize strikes in both school districts. Both Minneapolis Teachers Federation (MFT) and Saint Paul Federation of Educators (SPFE) announced the strike authorizations around 11:30 p.m.


By staff

Teachers march for decent contract.

Minneapolis, MN – On February 12, thousands of teachers, education assistants (EAs) and education support professionals (ESPs), joined by parents and community members, marched in subzero weather to press the school districts meet their demands at the bargaining table. If the demands are not met, an open-ended strike across both of Minnesota’s largest school districts is expected.


By staff

Strike vote ahead

Twin cities teachers are fighting for decent contracts.

Minneapolis, MN – Teachers and education assistants in both Minneapolis and Saint Paul will hold a joint march on February 12 to call for the safe and stable schools that their students deserve. The Minneapolis educators are members of the Minneapolis Teachers Union, and the Saint Paul educators are members of Saint Paul Federation of Educators. Both groups have been in bargaining over their next contract.


By staff

CTU members at school in Little Village protesting during the lockout.

Chicago, IL – Members of the Chicago Teachers Union’s House of Delegates voted to end a four-day remote learning action and return to school. The union announced today that by a vote of 55.5% in favor that the union would accept an agreement with Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s handpicked school board.