Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Henry Cornejo and Reuben Navarrete

Amazon workers wearing their uniform vests march in a picket line carrying signs supporting the Amazon strike.

Los Angeles, CA - On day four of the largest strike of Amazon workers in U.S. history, over 100 Amazon workers picketed outside an Amazon facility in Rosemead, California, December 22. Amazon workers want better pay, safer working conditions and respect from management as workers fight to unionize.


By Gregory Butler

Striking workers holding picket signs.

Dallas, TX – Teamsters Locals 745 and 767 held solidarity pickets for Amazon workers in support of the national strike demanding the shipping giant recognize the right to unionize and come to the table to negotiate a contract for better working conditions. Across the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex, there were multiple solidarity pickets on Thursday, December 19 and Friday, December 20.


By staff

The strike at Amazon is one its second day with workers across the country on the picket lines.

On December 20, Amazon Teamsters across the country were on day two of major strikes at Amazon facilities in New York, California, Illinois and Atlanta. Other Teamster locals in Milwaukee, Dallas and Des Moines, as well as many places, were conducting solidarity ULP (unfair labor practice) pickets.


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the World Federation of Trade Unions.

The World Federation of Trade Unions, representing 105 million workers across the globe, extends its fullest support to the militant strikes being launched by the U.S. Teamsters Union members against the gigantic Amazon corporation. Thousands of workers at 7 Amazon worksites across the United States struck on December 19, and additional strikes are planned. The Amazon corporation continues its lawless and dictatorial campaign against its workers who want to join trade unions, and are demanding better pay and conditions. Inaction and paralysis on the part of the U.S. government in the face of this outrageous Amazon company conduct has pushed the workers to take this strike action.


By staff

Hundreds of picketers march with signs saying things like “Protect our patients” and “The community we serve deserves safe patient limits”.

Chicago, IL - On November 13, 1800 members of the Illinois Nurses Association (INA) went on strike against University of Illinois Health for continuing to refuse to negotiate a decent contract. Since June, the union has had 47 bargaining sessionswith UI Health, to no avail. In August, a week-long strike was held, but this did not stop management’s greed. The union wasleft with no choice but to go on an open-ended strike.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – On November 4, around 730 longshoremen in British Columbia, Canada walked off the job and began a strike. The striking longshoremen are represented by the International Longshoremen’s and Warehousemen’s Union (ILWU), Local 514 which is the foremen’s local.


By staff

Nurses picket outside University Medical Center in New Orleans.  | Toni Duplechain-Jones/Fight Back! News

New Orleans, LA – On October 25, nurses at University Medical Center gathered on the corner of Canal and Galvez Streets for a one-day strike to demand safe staffing ratios, workplace safety protections, higher pay and improved benefits.

The strike began at 7 a.m. on Friday, when nurses joined the picket line outside the hospital. They were joined by dozens of community members, chanting loudly and proudly as they marched. Chants included “What do we want? A contract! When do we want it? Now!” Some signs read “If nurses are outside, there’s something wrong inside.”


By Clio Jensen

Striking workers with UNITE HERE Local 8 on the picket line.  | Staff/Fight Back! News

SeaTac, WA – On October 12, over 400 hotel workers at the Doubletree Seattle Airport and the Seattle Airport Hilton & Conference Center walked out and went on strike, joining hotel workers across the U.S. Workers at the two hotels are fighting for good raises, pension plan improvement, fair staffing and respect in their new contract.

The picket began at 5 a.m., when dozens of workers joined the picket line outside both striking hotels. As they marched, they chanted, “What do we want? Contract! When do we want it? Now!” and “If we don’t get it, shut it down!” Workers carried signs that read “Respect our work,” “One job should be enough” and “Make them pay.” Cars and buses passing by honked their horns in support as the picket continued throughout the day.


By staff

Philadelphia Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression Members join United Here stadium workers picket.  | Staff/Fight Back! News

Philadelphia, PA – On September 26, the Philadelphia Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression members joined the UNITE HERE Local 274 picket line as Philadelphia stadium workers struggled for healthcare and a living wage.

The strikes were a culmination of negotiations which began in January of this year. Despite Aramark making over $18 billion in revenue last year, workers are still getting the shaft. At $14.11 an hour, the wages that Aramark food service employees earn are among the lowest in comparison to concession workers in other parts of the country.


By staff

New York, NY – On Thursday, October 3, around 45,000 dockworkers and longshoremen who are represented by the International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) reached a tentative agreement – around wages – with their employers on the East and Gulf Coast ports.