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Tampa AT&T workers on the picket line

By Simon Rowe

Tampa, FL – On Friday morning, August 30, a group of AT&T workers and community supporters picketed their workplace in Tampa. The Communication Workers of America union called an unfair labor practice strike against AT&T in the Southeast. The strike started August 16 with over 17,000 workers across nine states.

The contract between AT&T Southeast and the CWA ended August 3. During negotiations, the CWA pointed out that AT&T has not bargained in good faith. The CWA then filed an unfair labor practice charge. On August 21, federal mediation began between the CWA and AT&T Southeast.

“We have members sitting at the table on our side to negotiate, and they are just sitting there basically doing nothing by themselves, not getting any proposals from the company, getting all their proposals rejected, and nobody can make a decision,” said Adrian Smith, IT systems technician at AT&T.

As CWA union members held signs reading “Honk if you support workers,” passing drivers sounded their horns in support.

“We're talking about fairness nowadays, and we talk about equality. Unions, I think, present that and bring more of that across the board. I think it helps all of us,” said Smith.

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