Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Carlos Montes

ELA high school students rally at historic Mariachi Plaza in Boyle Heights

Los Angeles, CA – Several thousand high school students walk out of over six schools to protest Trump. Chanting, “Not my president,” “No deportations,” “Sí se puede,” the students kicked off their march by first assembling at Mariachi Plaza, then marching to LA City Hall. Once at city hall, students held a large rally where they were met by more students, many of whom walked for over eight miles. The students, many from undocumented families, are angry with Trump's call for mass deportations, doing away with DACA, and putting up an additional border wall. There were no arrests.


By Kat Sanchez

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Thousands of protesters took to the streets here, at 8 p.m., Nov. 9, chanting, “Say it loud, say it clear! Immigrants are welcome here!” and “Women's rights are human rights,” and “He’s not our president!” Protesters climbed buildings at the Civic Center and waved Mexican flags.


By staff

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Dozens of angry protesters chanting, and waving signs gathered outside of District Attorney of Los Angeles, Jackie Lacey’s office, Nov. 10.


By Sol Márquez

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Los Angeles, CA – Eight months after the LAPD killing of Jose “Peruzzi” Mendez – the 16-year-old killed by LAPD, and four other police killings of young Chicanos in Boyle Heights, an Oct. 6 call-in day action was organized by Centro CSO.


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Los Angeles, CA – In front of media cameras and surrounded by family and supporters, Teresa Dominguez, the mother of Jesse Romero, demanded justice for her son. The Oct. 6 press conference announced the filing of a government claim against the City of Los Angeles and the LAPD for the killing of Romero. Lawyer Humberto Guizar pointed out that recently released videos contradict the police version of the killing. He blasted the LAPD for lying, saying that were was no way the police version can be truthful.


By staff

Chicano Movement veterans Vicky Castro and Rey Andradeand others watch a film.

Los Angeles, CA – In Boyle Heights, on Monday night, Aug. 29, a 100 people, youth and veterans, gathered at the PUENTE Learning Center to celebrate the 46th Chicano Moratorium. Organized by Centro CSO, the event was energetic and empowering.


By staff

Chicano Movement veterans Vicky Castro and Rey Andradeand others watch a film.

Los Angeles, CA – In Boyle Heights, on Monday night, Aug. 29, a 100 people, youth and veterans, gathered at the PUENTE Learning Center to celebrate the 46th Chicano Moratorium. Organized by Centro CSO, the event was energetic and empowering.


By staff

Boyle Heights continues demanding Justice for Jesse Romero

Mother and Aunt of Jesse Romero, as well as Sol Marquez of Centro CSO.

Los Angeles, CA – Protesters continue demanding justice for 14-year-old Jesse Romero. Romero was shot and killed by LAPD the evening of Aug. 9. Protesters rallied on Wednesday night, Aug. 10, at the site of his murder. On Saturday, Aug. 15, protesters lined up at the steps of the LAPD Hollenbeck Police Station in Boyle Heights. The family of Jesse Romero, with Centro CSO (Community Service Organization), is demanding a stop to the police killings of young Chicanos in the neighborhood and justice for Jesse Romero. Romero is the fifth person killed by LAPD this year in Boyle Heights.


By Redacción

Joven de 14 años es asesinado por la Policía de Los Ángeles

Los Ángeles, CA – La noche del 10 de agosto, cientos de personas se reunieron en el corazón de la comunidad de Boyle Heights, entre Breed St. y Cesar Chavez Ave, para exigir que se haga justica por el asesinato de Jesse Romero, el joven de apenas 14 años de edad que fue abatido a tiros la noche anterior por la policía de Los Ángeles (LAPD por sus siglas en ingles). El incidente ocurrió luego de que el LAPD detuviera al joven por hacer grafiti. Jesse Romero es la quinta persona y el segundo menor, asesinado este año por el LAPD en Boyle Heights; el LAPD ya lleva 12 asesinatos en la ciudad de Los Ángeles en tan solo este año.

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By staff

14-year-old killed by LAPD

Carlos Montes speaks about police killings of Chicano's in Boyle Heights

Los Angeles, CA – On the evening of Aug. 10, hundreds gathered in the heart of Boyle Heights at Breed Street and Cesar Chavez Avenue, demanding justice for Jesse Romero. 14-year-old Jesse Romero was gunned down by LAPD on evening of Aug. 9. The LAPD initiated the incident due to graffiti. Jesse Romero was the fifth person, and second child, murdered by LAPD in Boyle Heights this year. He was the 12th person this year in Los Angeles to be murdered by LAPD.