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Mother of Jesse Romero demands justice; video exposes LAPD lies

By staff

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Los Angeles, CA – In front of media cameras and surrounded by family and supporters, Teresa Dominguez, the mother of Jesse Romero, demanded justice for her son. The Oct. 6 press conference announced the filing of a government claim against the City of Los Angeles and the LAPD for the killing of Romero. Lawyer Humberto Guizar pointed out that recently released videos contradict the police version of the killing. He blasted the LAPD for lying, saying that were was no way the police version can be truthful.

Jesse Romero, 14 years old, was killed by officers of the LAPD Hollenbeck station on Aug. 9 under the pretext that he was writing on a wall. After chasing him, the cops falsely claimed that he pointed a gun and that they had to shoot to kill him. Videos released by LA Weekly, Democracy Now and others shown on social media contradict the LAPD version of the shooting. The videos show Jesse down on a side walk bleeding and dying and the alleged gun far way on other side of a metal wrought iron fence. A witness states that Jesse ran and threw away the old gun over the fence and was shot and killed moments later. The mother is demanding justice for Jesse Romero, and this claim is the initial step toward a formal lawsuit.

Four other young men have been killed in Boyle Heights by LAPD since Feb. 6 and one other by ELA sheriffs.

Chicano activist Carlos Montes, of Centro CSO, introduced the speakers, who included Black Lives Matter member Michael Williams, who expressed solidarity and called for the firing of Chief Beck. Josefina Rizo, the mother of Jose Mendez, 16 years old and killed by LAPD Feb. 6, expressed support for Teresa Dominguez and called for justice for all the families and prosecution of the LAPD.

Sol Marquez, representing Centro CSO spoke about many other police killings of young Chicanos and the demand to District Attorney Jackie Lacey to prosecute the killer cops. She pointed out that Centro CSO and the families organized a call in day to D.A. Lacey demanding that she prosecutes the police.

Damian Ramirez with Young Survivors spoke about the epidemic of killings nationwide of Black and Brown youth across the U.S. and the need to unite to stop police killings. Also present was Obdulio Olivas father of Carlos, 19, killed by LA sheriffs in East LA in 2013 and Blanca Valdez, whose son Arturo was killed by LAPD in April in Boyle Heights.

Jesse Romero attended local schools in Boyle heights. He graduated from 2nd Street School, attended Hollenbeck Middle School, and Mendez High School. Jesse is the latest police killing of Chicano youth in Boyle Heights.

Also present and supporting the event were Maria Banda, whose son was shot 14 times by LAPD in Boyle Heights and sent to jail for 15 years; Black Lives Matter LA; Centro CSO; Young Survivors-Carmelo Castaneda, and students from ELAC Mecha.

Centro CSO invites everyone to attend their upcoming meeting on Oct. 19, at 6:30 at the Benjamin Franklin Library in Boyle Heights.

#LosAngelesCA #PoliceBrutality #PeoplesStruggles #BoyleHeights #Antiracism #California #LA #JesseRomero

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