Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Serena Sojic-Borne

Toni Jones of Real Name Campaign NOLA speaks at a coalition press conference aga

New Orleans, LA – On May 7, a coalition of Louisiana’s progressive organizations gathered at city hall for a press conference on the state legislature’s anti-transgender bills. Supporters came from many ranks of the movement against gender-based oppression. These included fighters for sex workers’ rights, reproductive justice, and trans liberation.


By staff

Tallahassee, FL – A group of transgender students and community members gathered on Florida State University’s campus to demand changes to the campus housing policy for trans students. The student organization Gender Odyssey has been leading a campaign to adopt a new student housing policy that would, among other things, create an opt-in system for trans students to stay in dorms with fellow trans students, allow for students to change their name in the electronic housing registry system, and discipline students for transphobic harassment.


By Becka McLaughlin

Performance artist Qween Amor speaks at trans rights rally

New Orleans, LA – Real Name Campaign will be holding a march and rally in recognition of Transgender Day of Visibility. The rally will be held on Wednesday, March 31, at 5 p.m., and will start at Washington Square Park on Elysian Fields Avenue.


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Real Name Campaign NOLA


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

¡No dejen que Trump robe las elecciones! ¡Tomen las calles para exigir un progra

El mundo está observando cómo los americanos votan por la derrota de Trump y de la agenda Republicana de racismo, discriminación, y opresión. Por supuesto, el sistema ya engañó a los americanos en 2016. Trump perdió el voto popular pero fue declarado presidente de los EEUU por el sistema elitista del Colegio Electoral. Ahora Donald Trump amenaza con robar las elecciones de nuevo, tratando de mentir, engañar, y robar su camino de regreso a la Casa Blanca.

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By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Don’t let Trump steal the election! Take to the streets to demand a people’s age

The world is watching as Americans vote to defeat Trump and the Republican agenda of racism, discrimination and oppression. Of course, the system already cheated the American people back in 2016. Trump lost the popular vote but was declared U.S. president by the elitist Electoral College system. Now Donald Trump threatens to be at it again, trying to lie, cheat and steal his way back into the White House.


By Carolyn Connolly

Poughkeepsie demo against violence facing Black women and Black trans women

Poughkeepsie, NY – More than 100 people gathered in Poughkeepsie in upstate New York for a vigil and protest march, October 17, centered on the endemic violence facing Black women and Black trans women in the United States.


By Dylan Sojic-Borne

“See Us! Hear Us!”

House of Tulip Co-President Milan Nicole Sherry speaks in front of City Hall.

New Orleans, LA- On the morning of September 12, trans activists and supporters gathered in front of New Orleans City Hall for a press conference and community update. Participants celebrated the trans and gender non-conforming (TGNC) people’s victories of the summer, and talked about next steps.


By Dylan Sojic-Borne

crowd demanding accessible name change outside of Orleans Parish Civil District

New Orleans, LA – On August 13, the Real Name Campaign NOLA celebrated a $256 filing fee reduction for name changes. The Orleans Parish Civil District Court dropped the fee from an outrageous $506 to $250 after a year of community pressure.


By staff

Milwaukee, WI – While Joe Biden shelters himself from COVID-19 and the movement for Black lives in Milwaukee, the Coalition to March on the Democratic National Convention (DNC) will be in the streets. Regardless of whether Biden comes to Milwaukee or not, the Democrats will hear from the people on the front lines fighting police crimes, especially the families who have lost loved ones to killer cops.