Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Fight Back! is circulating the following letter from the Communist Party of the Philippines to the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO), congratulating them on the occasion of their 8th Congress.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

The 8th Congress of Freedom Road Socialist Organization was a resounding success, and signals a bright future for our efforts to build the people’s struggle, construct a new communist party, and contribute to the process of revolutionary change. Since our 7th Congress in 2014, we have had continuous growth and FRSO is truly national in scope. Delegates attending the Congress came from every region of the country. The Congress saw many people not at our last Congress, including a few more veterans with 40 years or more experience as well as a much larger number of young people including students, workers, and activists in oppressed nationality communities.


By staff

Elmer “Bong” Labog, chairperson of the Kilusang Mayo Uno (KMU), or May First Movement, one of the largest industrial labor federations in the Philippines, sends greetings of solidarity to May Day events organized by Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO), and the FRSO’s 8th Congress.

#UnitedStates #Philippines #KMU #FreedomRoadSocialistOrganization #frso #KilusangMayoUno #Socialism #ElmerBongLabog

By Michela

Jessica Schwartz from the Freedom Road Socialist Organization speaking at event

New York, NY – Around 50 socialists and community organizers gathered on Sunday, May 6 to celebrate the 200th birthday of Karl Marx – the founder of scientific socialism.


By staff

Dallas, TX – About 100 people gathered together at Lake Cliff Park in Dallas, April 29, to celebrate International Workers Day. The organizations present included, Freedom Road Socialist Organization, Party for Socialism and Liberation, Solidarity, Democratic Socialists of America, Trans Pride Initiative, Texas Equal Access Fund, North Texas Dream Team, AFL-CIO and the Central Labor Council.


By Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad

¡Implementar el acuerdo de paz!

Jesús Santrich

La Organización Socialista del Camino para la Libertad (FRSO) exige la libertad inmediata de el negociador de la paz colombiano Jesús Santrich, quien está bajo arresto por una solicitud de extradición de los E.E.U.U.

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By staff

Raymond "Mong" Palatino, representing the Phillipine "Stop the Killing" Campaign

Chicago. IL – The meeting room at the United Electrical workers building in Chicago rang with song, as 60 working people of all nationalities and backgrounds – Black, Chicano, Mexicano, Honduran, Filipino, Puerto Rican, Asian, and white – gathered together to celebrate International Workers Day. Sponsored by Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO), the crowd was made up of fighters from the many battle lines in the class struggle and the national liberation movements.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

U.S. and Western powers: Hands off!

Freedom Road Socialist Organizations condemns in the strongest possible terms, the cowardly attack on Syria carried out by the Trump administration, and accomplices in Britain and France. We demand that the missile and air strikes stop now!


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – Steff Yorek, the Political Secretary of Freedom Road Socialist Organization sharply condemned the Israeli authorities for opening fire on the massive, March 30, Great March of Return protests in Gaza, Palestine. Early reports indicate that at least seven Palestinians have been killed and hundreds injured.


By staff

Milwaukee celebration of International Women's Day.

Milwaukee, WI – On March 16, more than 50 community members celebrated International Women’s Day, an annual event hosted by Milwaukee’s Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO). The event addressed the struggle for women’s liberation and the vital work that women do in our communities.