Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Protest at Senator Klobuchar’s office demands action on DACA

Minneapolis, MN – On the morning of December 20, after weeks of continued pressure, activists occupied Senator Klobuchar's office with the goal of meeting with the senator directly to demand she introduce the American Dream and Promise Act in the Senate. The mobilization came less than two weeks after a militant street protest in front of Klobuchar's office that ended with a promise to “be back.”


By Cassandra Swart

Dallas protest defends DACA.

Dallas, TX – On November 6, protesters gathered at Dealey Plaza to demand the continuation of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), a U.S. immigration measure that protects from deporation immigrants who came here as children, and which is now threatened by the right-wing Supreme Court. The protest was called by La Frontera Nos Cruzó.


By staff

Protest at Senator Klobuchar’s office demands U.S. Senate take action to legaliz

Minneapolis, MN – On Friday, October 21, more than 50 protesters gathered with signs, banners and sidewalk chalk outside of Senator Amy Klobuchar’s office to demand that the U.S. Senate take action to legalize immigrants with DACA, a program which is currently under attack. The protest was organized by the Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee (MIRAC).


By staff

Protesters hold banners and signs around the statue of Benito Juarez

New Orleans, LA – Dozens of protesters rallied at the statue of Benito Juarez on August 27 to demand hurricane relief funds for all immigrants, regardless of legal status. The rally also came in response to national call to action by the Legalization for All Network to defend DACA against legal attacks and to commemorate the Chicano Moratorium.


By Montana Hirsch

Protest in support of DACA Outside Minnesota Twins Game

Minneapolis, MN – On Sunday, August 28, dozens of protesters gathered with signs, noisemakers and flyers across the street from Target Field in downtown Minneapolis. The demonstration was organized by the Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee (MIRAC) and is also part of a national call to action for DACA by the Legalization for All Network, coinciding with the 52nd anniversary of the historic Chicano Moratorium in Los Angeles, California.


By David Almeida

Protest at the San Jose City Hall for the National Day of Action to Defend DACA

San José, CA – “No ban! No wall! Legalization for all!” was heard at San José City Hall as about 20 people showed up on Saturday, August 27, to protest the possibility of the U.S. Supreme Court repealing DACA, which would affect nearly a million undocumented immigrants and their families in the United States.


By Montana Hirsch

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Minneapolis, MN – Over 50 immigrant rights protesters held a ‘noise demo’ June 8 outside of Senator Amy Klobuchar’s office to demand she take action to protect those with Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), Temporary Protected Status (TPS), and Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) status.


By Akhi Menawat

Minneapolis protest demands legalization for all.

Minneapolis, MN – Around 100 people marched through downtown Minneapolis, October 14, from Senator Amy Klobuchar’s office to the Hennepin County Jail. The march was part of an ongoing campaign by the Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee (MIRAC) demanding legalization for all immigrants including those eligible for DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals), TPS (Temporary Protected Status), and DED (Deferred Enforced Departure) status. More than a million immigrants that hold these statuses are in increasing danger of deportation because of recent court rulings that open the door to the Trump administration carrying out mass deportations.


By Akhi Menawat

Minnesota protest demands clean Dream Act and legalization for all.

Saint Paul, MN – Hundreds marched through the West Side of Saint Paul from Castillo Park to Senator Tina Smith’s office on August 29 demanding the Senate take immediate action towards legalization for all residents. The march was part of an ongoing campaign by the Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee (MIRAC) demanding legalization for all immigrants eligible for DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals), TPS (Temporary Protective Status), and DED (Deferred Enforced Departure) status.


By staff

Large march in Minneapolis in defense of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals

Minneapolis, MN – With the Supreme Court set to rule on their future, almost 1000 immigrant youth and their supporters marched on June 12 to defend the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program that shields 800,000 young immigrants from deportation.


By staff

Texas students march to defend immigrant rights.

Arlington, TX – The University of Texas at Arlington’s Progressive Student Union (PSU) held a rally for DACA recipients, November 14. The group, led by PSU President Mark Napieralski, delivered a list of ten demands to the administration, marching across the campus chanting, “No protection, no peace,” “Stand up, fight back,” “Black and brown immigrants matter,” and “Defend DACA.”


By Sol Márquez

High school walkout in East LA.

Los Angeles, CA – Hundreds of students from Garfield High School in East LA have walked out of their classrooms to defend DACA. The students are taking the metro train to downtown Los Angeles where participants will rally. A group of youth gathered in downtown as early as 6 a.m.


By Legalization For All (L4A)

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Fight Back News Service is circulating the following call from the Legalization for All Network and other immigrant rights groups. We urge all progressive organizations to sign on and endorse it. You can do so here:


By staff

Milwaukee, WI – Immigrants and community members gathered March 5 on Milwaukee’s south side, where the Young Peoples Resistance Committee (YPRC) led a rally, demanding that President Trump and the Republican-dominated Congress introduce legislation to protect Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients.


By staff

Denver protest in defense of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals

Denver, CO – More than 50 people gathered in Denver’s Civic Center Park, Feb. 7, and marched to U.S. Senator Michael Bennett’s office. The protesters are frustrated over his lack of action to defend DACA – Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals.


By staff

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Minneapolis, MN – On Sunday, Jan.14, immigrant rights activists, including students with Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) status, held a protest and community outreach action on the corner of Lake Street and Bloomington Avenue, a busy intersection in the heart of the Minneapolis Latino immigrant community. They demanded that Congress pass a clean Dream Act before the Jan. 19 congressional budget deadline.A clean Dream Act means permanent protection for immigrant youth with DACA status who were brought here as children, without pairing that with repressive anti-immigrant measures like the border wall, ending family-based immigration and the diversity lottery or increased raids and deportations against other immigrants like President Trump is trying to do.At the busy intersection, the protesters held signs and chanted demanding a clean Dream Act. Some signs also supported Salvadorans, Haitians and others for whom Trump has ended Temporary Protected Status (TPS), exposing hundreds of thousands of families to the threat of deportation. Some of the group’s signs also made pointed reference to Trump’s recent racist statement calling El Salvador, Haiti, and African countries “shithole countries.” Many passing cars honked and signaled their agreement with the anti-Trump and pro-immigrant message.The action was organized by the Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee (MIRAC) and the Interracial Student Movement (ISM), as part of a series of efforts to pressure Congress to act now to pass a clean Dream Act.After protesting outside in the bitter cold for a half hour, the group went inside a popular Latino immigrant marketplace. There, American Indian Movement (AIM) leader Clyde Bellecourt spoke to the group, expressing support for immigrant youth. Bellecourt put the struggle in the context of European colonization of the Americas and the struggle of the indigenous peoples of the Americas for unity and justice, and emphasizing the importance of young people in leading the struggle forward.Then, in a visual and participatory action, the group shared balloons with messages supporting immigrant youth written on them with people in the marketplace. The organizers called on everybody to pop their balloons at the same time to symbolize that President Trump and Congress are trying to destroy young people’s dreams. Three organizers from the group spoke to the gathered crowd, sharing information with people about the struggle of DACA youth and the need for the community to get involved in the fight for a clean Dream Act.In September 2017, President Trump abruptly announced the end of DACA. A federal court ruling has temporarily forced the administration to keep DACA alive while court cases about it are still being heard. But this is a temporary situation, not a real solution. The need for action for immigrant youth is as urgent as ever. As soon as the court cases end, every day around 122 more immigrant youth will lose their legal status and face the threat of being deported and uprooted from the only life they have ever known. Having put 800,000 immigrant youth in jeopardy of deportation by ending DACA, President Trump and anti-immigrant Republicans in Congress are now cynically using these young immigrants as bargaining chips for their anti-immigrant agenda.Democrats in Congress have given lip service in support of immigrant youth, yet enough of them voted before the new year in support of the continuing resolution to fund the congressional budget for it to pass, temporarily keeping the government open until the fast-approaching Jan. 19 deadline. With that deadline upon us, another congressional vote on the budget is here, and the Republicans can’t pass it without some Democrats’ votes. So immigrant rights activists around the country are demanding that congressional Democrats turn their lip service into action and all vote no on passing any congressional budget unless a clean Dream Act is passed, even if that means a government shutdown. That is one of the strongest kinds of leverage they have to force a clean Dream Act through despite the opposition of anti-immigrant Republicans in Congress and the administration.

#MinneapolisMN #MIRAc #Immigration #DACA

By Erika Zurawski

Students walk out of school and march to defend DACA and TPS.

Minneapolis, MN – On Nov. 10, around 500 students from 17 local high schools and middle schools walked out of their schools and braved cold weather and bitter winds as they took to the streets to demand that Congress take immediate action to protect hundreds of thousands of immigrant youth who will be stripped of their hard fought-for legal status. They converged at Martin Luther King, Jr. Park and marched over two miles to the memorial of Emiliano Zapata, symbolizing the unity of the struggles of Black and Latino students.


By Sean Taylor

SDS leads a march in SLC to defend DACA.

Salt Lake City, UT — Over 100 people joined Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) to protest Donald Trump’s repeal of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Sept. 15, at the Wallace F. Bennett Federal Building downtown.


By staff

Protest in Tucson, AZ against attack on DACA.

Tucson, AZ – The decision made by Trump on Sept. 5 to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program saw numerous mass mobilizations nationwide. The people of Tucson joined the latest wave of the growing resistance to the Trump administration.


By staff

Milwaukee march against Trump's attack on DACA.

Milwaukee, WI — Thousands gathered in Milwaukee, Sept. 7, to protest Donald Trump's termination of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. On Sept. 5, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that DACA would be rescinded.

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