Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – More than 200 people rallied August 21 to protest the U.S. missile attacks on Afghanistan and Sudan. In the Sudan, the U.S. targeted a factory that produces much of the country's medicines. Protest organizers said that the war moves were designed to assert U.S. control over the Third World. Organizations participating in the protest included Iraq Peace Action Coalition, Progressive Student Organization, Freedom Road Socialist Organization, Women Against Military Madness, and the Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador.

#MinneapolisMN #News #Afghanistan #Sudan #Africa

By Chapin Gray

People holding SDS banner that reads: US OUT NOW!

Washington, DC – People across the country took to the streets to protest on the sixth anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq. Demonstrators called for an end to the ongoing wars and occupations in Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine. It was the first national day of protest against the war and occupations since Obama was elected president.


By staff

St. Paul, MN – A coalition of Twin Cities area organizations marked the sixth anniversary of U.S. military combat operations in Iraq with a march and rally of about 500 people, March 21, calling for an immediate end to the U.S. wars and occupations in Iraq and Afghanistan.


By Hatem Abudayyeh

Since September 11, Israel has used the pretext of Bush's war against “terrorism” to illegally re-occupy Palestinian villages and cities in the areas administered by the Palestinian Authority. In the midst of this new Israeli siege, dozens of Palestinians were killed, and thousands injured and arrested. The U.S. and Israel have begun to pressure Yasser Arafat, the president of the Palestinian Authority, to crack down on the Intifada (or uprising) and quell the legal resistance to Israel's military occupation.


By staff

Crowd marching with banners and signs.

Minneapolis, MN – About 2000 people filled the streets here, March 15 for an anti-war march to mark the fifth anniversary of the U.S. war in Iraq with a call for an end to the occupation.


By Jess Sundin

Minneapolis, MN – Public disapproval is growing fast against US-backed UN sanctions against Iraq. October 1-14, peace and justice groups nationwide protested the sanctions. Student organizations in the Twin Cities and Chicago areas educated hundreds about the devastation in Iraq.“We wanted to start the school year by getting the word out and putting on pressure to stop the genocidal sanctions!” said Jackson Potter, student activist at the University of Illinois – Chicago. Grassroots pressure won a letter from Congresspeople urging President Clinton to end economic sanctions against Iraq.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Speaking at a news conference on May 5, Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said, “The main effort in our strategic focus from a military perspective must now shift to Afghanistan.”


By Antiwar Working Group of Students for a Democratic Society

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Antiwar Working Group of Students for a Democratic Society.


By Kosta Harlan

Another massacre by occupation forces in Afghanistan unfolded on Dec. 12 in the central province of Wardak. U.S. military forces on a foot patrol opened fire on an approaching bus, killing four civilians and wounding at least ten others, according to Halim Fidai, the governor of Wardak Province. The killings are the latest in a string of massacres that have led to increased Afghan anger at the occupation.


By staff

women on bullhorn

Minneapolis, MN – Over 200 people joined a anti-war protest here Oct. 11. The protest was organized under the slogans of “Bring the troops home now,” “Out of Iraq, out of Afghanistan, no war on Iran,” and “Funds for housing and human needs – not war!”


By Naomi Nakamura

San Jose, CA – On June 2, members of the San Jose Japanese American community met at the Yu-Ai-Kai (Japanese American Seniors' Center). They were there to learn more about the attacks on Arab Americans, Muslims and civil liberties following Sept. 11. Susan Hayase moderated the program on behalf of the Nihonmachi Outreach Committee. In her introduction, Hayase said, “It is happening again,” and pointed the connection between the mass arrests of Japanese Americans following Pearl Harbor and the detention of Arab and Muslim Americans today.


By mick

With the help of bombs and mercenaries from the Northern Alliance, U.S. and British forces have occupied the main cities of Afghanistan. Washington convened a meeting in Europe where a strange collection of Afghan warlords, monarchists, and political has-beens were anointed as the new government. They were put in airplanes and sent to Kabul where they had to explain how the “careful” American pilots bombed a convoy of their supporters who on the way to their inauguration.


By George Iechika McKinney

Two people giving a speech at night in front of banners

San Francisco, CA – Nearly one hundred protesters marched on the Philippine and Japanese embassies in San Francisco on Dec. 7. The “Tour of Shame” was organized by the Asian and Pacific Islander Coalition Against War to protest daily bombings in Afghanistan and the loss of civil liberties throughout the world.


By Emergency Committee Against U.S. Intervention in Afghanistan

Banner reading US hands off Afghanistan

Statement of the Emergency Committee Against U.S. Intervention in Afghanistan


By Kim DeFranco

Crowd with signs at D.C anti-war march.

Washington, D.C. – Tens of thousands of people rallied here on Sept. 29, rejecting the Bush Administration's drive towards war, and the wave of violence against of Arab and Muslim peoples in the U.S.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – About 100 people came together here, September 12, to say no to US military action in response to the attacks in response to the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon. Holding aloft signs and banners, protestors lined a major bridge that spans the Mississippi River. The response of passing motorists was overwhelmingly positive. Many honked their horns and flashed peace signs.


By staff

Asheville, NC – Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) gathered for an emergency demonstration at the Asheville Federal Building, May 12 to protest the May 4 U.S. air strikes in Afghanistan, killing over 130 civilians. The Obama administration has stated that they will not ban future air strikes.


By Kosta Harlan

Protesters marching on sidewalk

Smithfield, NC – Around 250 demonstrators rallied here, Oct. 27, to protest the war in Iraq and demand an end to the ‘torture taxi service’ run by Aero Contractors out of the Johnston County airport. Activists with the North Carolina Stop Torture Now coalition and independent journalists have documented that the CIA has moved hundreds of detainees through the rural Johnston County airport. The airport forms a link in the chain of the transportation of so-called ‘extraordinary rendition’ suspects on their way to be tortured, and sometimes killed, in secret prisons outside of the United States.


By staff

Protest in Minneapolis, 7/23/09 against troop surge in Afghanistan.

Minneapolis, MN – More than 40 anti-war protesters gathered here July 23 to express their opposition to President Obama’s surge of 21,000 troops in Afghanistan. Protesters held banners, chanted and handed out flyers to encourage other Minnesotans to speak out against the war and occupation in Afghanistan.


By Kosta Harlan

2009 started off poorly for U.S. and NATO forces occupying Afghanistan. Shortly after the U.S. military invaded and occupied Afghanistan in October 2001, Fight Back! reported, “No one wants their country occupied by foreign powers. So, the people of Afghanistan will mount a resistance. Its scope and power remain to be seen, but it will certainly be a factor.” (Afghanistan Occupied, New Targets Ahead, Winter 2002, Fight Back!)

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