Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Anti War Committee banner at December 5 Protest says "Stop the Surge"

Minneapolis, MN – More than 200 people joined a demonstration here, Dec. 5, to show opposition to the escalation of the U.S. war in Afghanistan announced by President Obama.


By staff

hundreds of people protesting the Afghanistan war

Chicago, IL – 500 people rallied here Dec. 2 in response to the Obama administration’s announcement that 30,000 more troops will be sent to Afghanistan. Organized by the Chicago Coalition Against War and Racism, protesters demanded, “U.S. out of  Afghanistan now.”

#ChicagoIL #AntiwarMovement #Afghanistan #ChicagoCoalitionAgainstWarAndRacism

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By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Banner reads U.S. Out of Afghanistan and Iraq Now

Freedom Road Socialist Organization denounces the escalation of the bloody and unjust U.S. war in Afghanistan. We condemn the decision made by the White House and Pentagon to ‘surge’ over 30,000 U.S. and NATO forces into Afghanistan in an attempt to stabilize a failing occupation regime.


By staff

Twin Cities peace movement responds to Obama’s West Point speech

Meredith Aby, of the Twin City based Anti War Committee at the press conference

Minneapolis, MN — At a packed press conference here Dec. 1, leaders of the Twin Cities peace movement responded to President Obama’s announcement that 30,000 more troops are being dispatched to Afghanistan. Representatives of a spectrum of peace groups came together to watch President Obama’s national televised speech and responded by demanding that U.S. troops get out of Afghanistan now.


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement by Spokesperson Jorge “Ka Oris” Madlos of the  National Democratic Front of the Philippines-Mindanao.


By staff

Anti-war  march in Minneapolis, October 17, 2009

On Oct. 17, 400 people joined a Minneapolis anti-war protest as part of a national day of peace actions that saw anti-war events in 50 cities across the U.S. on the weekend of Oct. 17-18.


By Kati Ketz

Students holding a banner that says "US out of Afghanistan"

In a day of action organized by Students for a Democratic Society, October 7 saw dozens of protests across the country against the Afghanistan war on the 8th anniversary of the U.S. invasion. Students marched, conducted die-ins and skits, and some were arrested as they demanded money be spent at home on education and healthcare, instead of two wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.


By staff

Demonstrations mark 8th anniversary of Afghan War – demand immediate U.S./NATO withdrawal

On Oct. 7, students on 25 campuses across the United States will protest eight long years of war against the people of Afghanistan. Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), a national student organization committed to activism for peace, justice and equality, is organizing the protest.


By Daniel Ginsberg

Student anti-war activists across the country are preparing for the Oct. 7 national day of action against the war in Afghanistan.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – The U.S./NATO military commander in Afghanistan, General Stanley McChrystal, submitted a report to the Obama administration stating that more U.S. military forces must be sent to Afghanistan. In a Sept. 22 press conference, Twin Cites anti-war groups spoke out against the proposed escalation of the war and announced plans for demonstrations this fall against the war in Afghanistan and the continuing occupation of Iraq.


By staff

At the 2009 national convention of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), over 100 delegates from across the country unanimously endorsed a resolution calling for the immediate U.S. withdrawal and an unconditional end to the occupation of Afghanistan.


By Naomi Nakamura

San Jose, CA – El 2 de junio, 2002, miembros de la comunidad japonésa-americana se reunieron en el Yu-Ai-Kai (Centro de personas mayores japonésa-americanas) para aprender más sobre los ataques en contra de los árabe-americanos, los musulmán-americanos y los derechos civiles después del 11 de septiembre. Susan Hayase facilitó el programa por parte del Comité de organización Nihonmachi. En su presentación, dijo Hayase que “está pasando de nuevo,” destacando el vínculo entre los arrestos de los japonés-americanos después de Pearl Harbor y la detención de los árabe-americanos y los musulmán-americanos hoy día.

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By Kim DeFranco

Una muchedumbre con pancartas en la marcha anti-guerra en Washington, D.C.

Washington, D.C. – Decenas de miles de personas se manifestaron el 29 de septiembre para rechazar el impulso de guerra y la ola de violencia en contra de los Arabes y los musulmanes que esta ha desencadenado.

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By Fight Back! Editors

George Bush is throwing sand in our eyes. Folks in other countries have created organizations and political parties to fight for a decent way of life. Bush has put those groups on the State Department's 'terrorist list.' He is calling that the good 'the evil.' He is trying to exploit Americans' fears about attacks on civilians to justify sending guns and money to some of the world's most repressive regimes.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Bush's speech at the UN, resolutions put before Congress to authorize an illegal first-strike attack, and a slow but steady military buildup in the Gulf region all make it clear that the Bush administration is moving toward war. Already in the region, there are 30,000 U.S. troops, 400 warplanes, and equipment to outfit an invasion force of 15,000. Bombings in the no-fly zones have stepped up – one operation in September included 100 planes attacking southern Iraq. The path to war seems certain.


By Fight Back! Editors

By every indication, the anti-war demonstrations scheduled for April 20 in Washington D.C. and San Francisco promise to be a great success. In communities and campuses across the country, buses are being rented, tickets are being purchased, and the message of “no to war and racism,” is reaching millions of people.


By Fight Back! Editors

Make no mistake about it: the Bush administration is waging a war at home and abroad. While bombs rain down on Afghanistan, destroying homes, hospitals and mosques, the White House is presiding over an assault on the rights and on the standard of living of working and oppressed peoples at home.


By Fight Back! Editors

Following the tragic loss of life at the World Trade Center, we saw real acts of heroism by the working people of New York, and an outpouring of concern and generosity on the part of people across the country. The emergency medical technicians and fire fighters who rushed to ground zero and made the ultimate sacrifice typify what is best in the American working class. The same applies to others – such as the Ironworkers who rushed to the scene to do all that they could. All of us can and should learn from these heroes.


By la Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad

¡Alto a las guerras dentro y fuera de los Estados Unidos!

George Bush tiene que ser removido de la Casa Blanca. Él miente, roba, y hace trampa. En Irak y Afganistán, Bush mata.

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By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Stop the War at Home and Abroad!

George Bush needs to be removed from office. He lies, he cheats and he steals. In Iraq and Afghanistan, Bush kills.