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Minnesota: Anti-war groups blast call for more U.S. troops to Afghan war

By staff

Minneapolis, MN – The U.S./NATO military commander in Afghanistan, General Stanley McChrystal, submitted a report to the Obama administration stating that more U.S. military forces must be sent to Afghanistan. In a Sept. 22 press conference, Twin Cites anti-war groups spoke out against the proposed escalation of the war and announced plans for demonstrations this fall against the war in Afghanistan and the continuing occupation of Iraq.

Speakers at the news conference included Meredith Aby of the Anti-War Committee, Tracy Molm of Students for a Democratic Society and Wayne Wittman, a member of the Saint Paul Regional Labor Federation.

A statement issued by organizers says in part, “There is growing sentiment against the U.S. war in Afghanistan among the people of the U.S. People want an end to the eight-year long war, not an escalation.”

A CNN poll conducted this month said 39% supported the war and 58% opposed it.

Meredith Aby stated, “We are horrified by the acts being done in our name in Afghanistan. On Sept. 7 U.S. troops kicked in doors, tied up hospital employees and family members of patients and forced patients out of beds during their ‘search for insurgents.’ On Sept. 5 the U.S. killed over 70 people when they bombed a tanker. There are weekly reports of horrible acts of violence against the Afghan people. They, justifiably so, want the U.S. to leave and we stand in solidarity with them and demand a withdrawal of all U.S. troops. Oct. marks eight years of U.S.-led war, misery and occupation by in Afghanistan. We say eight years too many.”

Aby continued “During the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, the U.S. government is spending billions for wars and occupations, while millions lose their jobs and housing and go without health insurance. This warped sense of priorities is not resonating with the American people.”

On Oct. 7, protests organized by chapters of Students for a Democratic Society and others will take place on many campuses against the war on Afghanistan. On Oct. 17, local and regional anti-war actions will be held in cities around the country.

#MinneapolisMN #AntiwarMovement #StudentsForADemocraticSociety #Afghanistan #AntiWarCommittee #GeneralStanleyMcChrystal #SaintPaulRegionalLaborFederation

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