Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Peace Movement Says No to March Towards War

By staff

Minneapolis, MN – About 100 people came together here, September 12, to say no to US military action in response to the attacks in response to the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon. Holding aloft signs and banners, protestors lined a major bridge that spans the Mississippi River. The response of passing motorists was overwhelmingly positive. Many honked their horns and flashed peace signs.

Among the organizations participating in the action were Women Against Military Madness and the Anti-War Committee. Many participants felt the current situation demands an active, visible, peace and anti-intervention movement.

A press statement from Women Against Military Madness noted, “When people world-wide suffer the consequences of U.S. warfare and economic sanctions, when their homes are bombed with weapons made in the United States, when their only venues for political self-determination are undermined, terrorism will surely result.”

Jessica Sundin stated “We decry all acts of war that target civilians, and we grieve the perhaps-thousands of deaths. At the same time, we hope that Americans will also grieve the actions of our government that have provoked the anger that killed these people. And in that grief, we ask people of conscience to call on our government to stop the march to war today.”

Sundin also slammed moves against Arab peoples in the U.S. “We oppose this racist harassment, and call on media and government officials to stop scapegoating our Arab and Muslim neighbors.”

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