Washington, D.C. – On May 4, the DC Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression (DCAARPR), hosted its first local conference. A first of its kind for a branch of the National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression (NAARPR), the conference brought about 50 organizers, activists and community members together for a discussion on police accountability and community control. Many of the attendees were Black, Latino, Arab, Asian, and Pacific Islanders.
Washington, DC — On April 25, at 5 a.m., students from Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) chapters from multiple DC universities took to George Washington University’s campus and started a Washington DC student encampment for Palestine.
Washington, DC – A crowd of 50 angry protesters gathered outside the U.S. State Department on Monday, March 25 to meet and denounce the arrival of Israeli Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant.
Washington, DC – On Saturday, February 17, thousands of pro-Palestine protesters marched on the U.S Capitol building in DC to demand justice for Rafah and an end to the siege on Palestine.
Washington, D.C. – On Saturday, February 10, hundreds of pro-Palestine protestors gathered across the lawn from the White House in Lafayette Square.
The action, hosted by the DC Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression (DC Alliance) alongside Palestinian Youth Movement, was held for the National Week of Action in solidarity with Palestine.
Their demands included an end to U.S. aid to Israel and bombing the Middle East, an end to the political repression of Palestinian organizers, “Hands off Yemen,” and community control of the police.
Washington D.C. – On Saturday, November 4, members of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization joined the largest pro-Palestine rally in U.S. history. Reports estimate the attendance to be upwards of 500,000, which would surpass the massive rally in D.C. in March of 2003 to oppose the U.S. invasion of Iraq. Participation in the FRSO contingent saw members from Tucson, Denver, Minnesota, Appleton, Philadelphia and New York City.
Washington DC – On Saturday, November 4 at 2 p.m., members of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) from around the country will attend the National March on Washington to Free Palestine. Comrades will stand with Palestine alongside hundreds of thousands from all walks of life. They are demanding an immediate end to U.S. aid to Israel and an end to the siege on Gaza.
Washington, DC – On July 24, United Steelworkers Local 4-200 announced that they gave Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital New Brunswick, located in New Jersey, official notice that they will begin an unfair labor practice strike on August 4.
Washington, DC – On July 13, over 30 people gathered at the gates of the White House and joined at least 13 other cities in demanding, “Justice for the Tampa 5!” The Tampa 5 are five women from Tampa, Florida who were brutally arrested while staging a campus protest at the University of South Florida (USF).
Washington, DC – On July 1, the bargaining committee of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) announced that three major economic tentative agreements had been reached with UPS in their negotiations over the next contract at UPS. These agreements are the elimination of a two-tier driver system, ending forced overtime on worker’s scheduled days off, and receiving Martin Luther King Jr. Day as a paid holiday.
Washington, DC – The International Brotherhood of Teamsters and United Parcel Service wrapped up bargaining on all non-economic issues on Tuesday, June 20. The following day, economic proposals were shared, marking a new phase in negotiations.
Washington, DC – On Saturday, March 18, several thousand people gathered at Lafayette Plaza in front of the White House to protest ongoing U.S. wars and interventions. The rally was organized and attended by the Answer Coalition, United National Antiwar Coalition, Codepink, Veterans for Peace, Black Alliance for Peace, Students for a Democratic Society, Freedom Road Socialist Organization, Workers World Party, and Socialist Unity Party, amongst many other organizations. First the crowd heard speeches from various organizers of the rally.
Washington, DC – In the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, the landmark case that granted women a constitutional right to abortion, hundreds took to the streets of Washington DC on June 24. They protested outside the Supreme Court against what they see as an unjust decision.
Washington, DC – On the morning of Saturday, June 18, thousands of people poured into the streets in front of the United States Capitol to participate in the Poor People’s Campaign (PPC) political action. They are demanding justice and redressal for millions of people in the United States facing poverty and deplorable living conditions under U.S. capitalism.
Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the National Committee to Free Simon Trinidad. Simon Trinidad is a Colombian revolutionary illegally captured and extradited to the U.S. on bogus charges that required four separate trials to lock him up in solitary confinement in the Florence, Colorado supermax prison. The Special Court guaranteed in the 2016 Peace Accords is requesting his presence in order to move the country toward a peace with justice.
Washington, DC – Members of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) around the country have much to celebrate. For over two decades, the IBT led by Jimmy Hoffa Jr. did very little to help union members and working people. Instead, the Hoffa Jr. regime busied itself with arranging givebacks to employers and managing the general decline of the Teamsters. Workers represented by the Teamsters saw their contracts become weaker, their union become smaller, and whatever respect they had on the job evaporate.
Washington DC – The International Brotherhood of Teamsters 30th Convention entered its second day, June 24. Congratulatory videos were shown for outgoing General Secretary Treasurer Ken Hall, as well as videos from labor leaders such as SEIU leader Mary Kay Henry.
Washington, DC – The first day of the 30th International Convention of the Teamsters union, which is being held virtually due to coronavirus concerns, began June 22 with a technical disaster. The convention was delayed for nearly an hour as the virtual platform set up by the Hoffa administration struggled to launch, glitching and locking out delegates from accessing the event.
Washington, DC – A delegation of African American workers from the Communications Workers of America sent a letter to Lumen Technologies CEO Jeff Storey, January 11, asking that he designate the federal Martin Luther King Jr. Day as a paid holiday for all Lumen workers.
Washington DC – Last week, the largest federation of unions in the United States joined the growing call in the United States to cut U.S. military aid to the Philippine government under President Rodrigo Duterte.