La Frontera Nos Cruzó statement on the Aaron Martinez murder
Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from La Frontera Nos Cruzó.
News and Views from the People's Struggle
Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from La Frontera Nos Cruzó.
Austin, TX – The Austin Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) organized a rally at the University of Texas at Austin on September 15 in defense of women's and reproductive rights, as a part of the National SDS Day of Action. About 35 students rallied at 6 p.m. at the corner of Speedway and 21st Street on UT campus. Speakers from six other organizations gave speeches condemning the overturning of Roe v. Wade and the Texas Heartbeat Act.
A Texas weather emergency spiraled out of control on February 14. This emergency has resulted in over 60 deaths, power outages affecting millions, and more than 13 million currently without access to water. What led to the emergency can be blamed mostly on natural gas and coal companies like Comstock Resources Inc, who sought only to make profits during the crisis. These companies never properly maintained these plants and, when the temperatures in Texas dipped, the plants froze and became inoperable.
Arlington, TX – On February 14, Texas was hit with the worst snowstorm in its history, with temperatures reaching historic lows of 6 degrees Fahrenheit. Although these temperatures are not uncommon across the contiguous United States, this situation has had a severe effect in Texas. Texas is behind several states when it comes to dealing with frigid temperatures because of poor infrastructure.
Houston, TX – On July 8, activists with Malaya-Texas and Bayan, U.S.-based Filipino organizations, held events across the state of Texas against the repressive legislation enacted in the Philippines – the Republic Act 1147, also called Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020.
Fight Back! is circulating this statement from Committee to Stop FBI Repression.
Los Angeles, CA – Carlos Montes, a longtime leader in the Chicano movement, spoke out about the vicious massacre in Texas, stating, “We must condemn this mass killing in El Paso as a hate crime against Mexicans and Chicanos. President Trump's racist attacks have emboldened white supremacists to commit violent crimes against Blacks, Muslims and now Brown people.”
Dallas, TX – On Aug. 28, a Dallas County jury convicted former Balch Springs police officer Roy Oliver of murder for the April 29, 2017 shooting death of Jordan Edwards. The jury will reconvene tomorrow to consider sentencing. Oliver faces a punishment of five to 99 years in prison or life. Under Texas law he had the option of having the judge or the jury assess his punishment, and he selected the jury.
Dallas, TX – About 40 people gathered in Dealey Plaza in Downtown Dallas, April 14, to raise their voices against Trump’s attack on Syria the day before. Signs were present with slogans such as “Hands off Syria,” “No war on Syria” and “U.S. out of the Middle East.”
Dallas, TX – Thousands of people turned out here, Jan. 20 for the second annual women's march and proceeded from Saint Paul Methodist Church to Pike Park.
Lufkin, TX – Members of the April Sixth Anti-War Coalition (ASAC) held a ‘Hands Off Syria’ demonstration, April 8, in front of the Ward R. Burke Federal Courthouse in downtown Lufkin. The anti-war activists gathered around the courthouse with signs that read “Hands off Syria,” and “No to war.” They chanted, “What do we want? Hands off Syria!!” and “No justice, no peace, U.S. out of the Middle East!”
Houston, TX – Dozens of people marched through downtown for the third night of protests, Nov. 12, against Donald Trump. They began with a few speeches in Market Square Park, and then marched to the jailhouse where one of the activists who was arrested Nov. 10 was still being held. They chanted outside of the jailhouse, “Free Shere, free Shere!” and after about 20 minutes, she was released.
Houston, TX – Hundreds of people, many who were students, came out to protest the election of Donald Trump, Nov. 10. They gathered in front of City Hall and began chanting, “Hey Trump, you liar, we're here to say you're fired,” followed by a few speeches. The sentiment of the crowd was one of rage and anger.
Lufkin, TX – Students at Angelina College (AC) held a rally and march to protest police crimes against the African American community on Oct. 5. The action began in front of the AC Student Center, with 20 students and faculty.
Houston, TX – The neo-Nazi White Knights of America staged a “White Lives Matter” rally outside the Anti-Defamation League office in Houston on Oct. 1. This small hate group also protested outside of the NAACP headquarters with shotguns a few weeks ago. Over 50 people counter-protested the white-supremacist hate group and demanded that they leave.
Lufkin, TX – On Sept. 14, students at Angelina College painted a banner for a Black Lives Matter rally being organized by Students for a Democratic Society (SDS).
Houston, TX – On June 17 over 200 activists and community leaders protested Donald Trump in River Oaks, a wealthy area. Trump was holding a campaign fundraiser at the home of the right-wing lawyer Tony Buzbee. Supporters who attended the fundraiser paid $5000 dollars to have their photo taken with Trump, and as much as $250,000 to spend an evening with the Republican nominee.
Houston, TX — On May 21, right-wing groups attempted to intimidate the Muslim community in Houston by holding an armed rally outside of the Islamic Daw'ah Center. The fifteen white supremacists displayed racist symbols, including the confederate flag, and chanted racist and anti-Muslim slurs. However, scores of people came out to fight back and confront the white supremacists’ message of hate and fear.
Lufkin, TX – Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) in Lufkin organized a forum, April 20, to inform the community about the case of Palestinian activist, Rasmea Odeh. Odeh is a 69-year-old Palestinian American activist who was brutalized and tortured by the Israeli government and is now being targeted by the U.S. because of her activism.
Houston, TX – Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) are organizing events in solidarity with Rasmea Odeh this week at University of Houston. Rasmea Odeh is a 68-year-old Palestinian American woman, tortured and imprisoned by the Israeli military occupation in 1969. For the past 20 years, she lived in Chicago, serving the Arab American and American Muslim community. She is beloved by many and won multiple awards for her work with women and children. The U.S. government is targeting Odeh for political reasons. She is being charged with minor immigration paper work offences, but the trumped-up case involves the judge and prosecutor talking on and on about terrorism.