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Cop harasses students preparing Black Lives Matter rally at Angelina College

By Ian Cox

Students making signs for Black Lives Matter rally at Angelina College.

Lufkin, TX – On Sept. 14, students at Angelina College painted a banner for a Black Lives Matter rally being organized by Students for a Democratic Society (SDS).

While the students were painting, a police officer from the Angelina County Sherriff’s Department approached and questioned the students about their actions. The police officer then harassed two women activists about the banner. He then forcefully took a flyer from the other SDS activist who was leafleting students on campus.

Angelica Hernandez of SDS said, “He was very overpowering in his tone of voice and was obviously trying to get us to respond to his questions. The police officer stated he was going to request more security on the day of the rally. It is clear they are trying to intimidate us to keep up from having our rally.”

“No matter the police presence, SDS will hold its Black Lives Matter rally at Angelina College. No racist police officer will stop the people’s voice from being heard!” Hernandez said.

The SDS rally will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 5 at 10:55 a.m. outside of the Angelina College Student Center.

#LufkinTX #InJusticeSystem #PeoplesStruggles #PoliceBrutality #Antiracism #Texas #Antifascism #BlackLivesMatter #PoliceHarassment

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