Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Rick Majumdar

By Rick Majumdar

The Bangladesh Government imposed a curfew and shoot on sight order, July 20, against student protesters demonstrating against an age-old quota policy.

Protests started June 11, by various student groups and youth organizations connected to prominent universities in Bangladesh. The demand of these groups was to scrap public job quotas for fighters (and their relatives) who fought for the independence of Bangladesh.


By Rick Majumdar

Molson Coors Teamsters of Local 997 are fighting for a decent contract. | Fight Back! News/staff

Fort Worth, TX – On March 17, 600 union members from the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, American Postal Workers Union, National Rural Letter Carriers Association and International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, along with others rallied in support of the Molson Coors Teamsters of Local 997, who are fighting for a decent.


By Rick Majumdar

The government of India has declared January 22 as a holiday in several states on the manufactured occasion of “Pran Prathistha Diwas” or consecration day of the Ram Temple. This is relevant because the ones in power in India – the Bhartiya Janata Party – has an ideological strain of an extremist right-wing Hinduism, otherwise known as Hindutva. This ideological strain has proven be a bane for India in its entirety, for poor people, for the working class, for farmers, for journalists, for students, for Muslims, for the so-called lower castes, for the tribals, for women and everyone in opposition to this extremist government.


By Rick Majumdar

The 15th BRICS summit took place in South Africa August 22-24 to discuss the expansion of the group of countries, and to counter the influence of Western countries like the U.S., France and Britain on developing countries.


By Rick Majumdar

A new transitional government was formed in Niger after a takeover conducted and led by the military leader Abdourahamane Tchiani against Mohammed Bazoum, July 26.


By Rick Majumdar

Dallas, TX – “Football (Soccer) is a pleasure that hurts,” said Eduardo Galeano, the Uruguayan journalist and writer. In many ways this statement is true.


By Rick Majumdar

Sri Lanka – Hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets of Sri Lanka, May 9, to protest the deplorable state of affairs in the country. A failing governmental infrastructure has led to food insecurities, acute shortage of medicines and medical equipment in hospitals, prolonged power cuts, fuel crisis and exorbitant prices of necessities.


By Rick Majumdar

On April 10, in Islamabad, Pakistan the Supreme Court upheld a vote of no confidence to remove Imran Khan of the Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) from power. The opposition parties, including the Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PMLN) and the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) voted in favor of no confidence. 174 votes were in favor for no confidence, two more than 172 vote mark that needed for this to be passed.


By Rick Majumdar

On March 30, India saw yet another earth shattering general strike. The strike was called against the anti-people, anti-worker and the destructive policies of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) led government.


By Rick Majumdar

The Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP) led by Narendra Modi was forced to admit defeat at the hands of the protesting farmers, by repealing the three oppressive laws.