Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Campaign to Free Ahmad Sa'adat. Ahmad Sa’adat, the General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, is being held in isolation in the jails of the Israeli occupiers.
Lima, Peru – After 15 years in prison in Peru, on Jan. 24 U.S. progressive activist Lori Berenson finally won her freedom. Berenson had been jailed in Peru since November 1995. She was initially released from prison last May, only to be rejailed three months later as Peruvian judges went back and forth about whether to continue to imprison her.
Lynne Stewart, a long-time progressive lawyer serving a ten-year prison sentence for allegedly helping terrorists, has been transferred from a New York City jail to the Carswell Federal Medical Facility near Fort Worth, Texas.
Orem, UT – Tom Burke from the National Committee to Free Ricardo Palmera spoke to students at Utah Valley University, Oct. 27. The event, sponsored by the Revolutionary Students Union, brought in many students wanting to know more about the U.S.-held Colombian political prisoner, Ricardo Palmera and the situation in Colombia.
New York, NY – More than 150 movement leaders and concerned individuals packed a standing room-only hall at Saint Mark's Church in the Bowery on Nov. 6 for the first national meeting of the Committee to Stop FBI Repression.
Washington D.C, abril 21, 2008 – La administración Bush en su propia corte sufre una fuerte derrota, en su intento de enlodar al revolucionario colombiano Ricardo Palmera (Simón Trinidad) con acusaciones y cargos de tráfico de estupefacientes.
El presidente Bush y el gobierno de Estados Unidos (EE.UU) le han dado una cachetada al pueblo de Colombia al dar una condena de 60 años de prisión al revolucionario colombiano Ricardo Palmera.(Simón Trinidad), quien es un héroe de la gente colombiana, él ha dedicado su vida a la lucha de los trabajadores y de los campesinos y los pobres. Fue responsable de negociar procesos de paz y del intercambios humanitarios de presos por las las FARC ( Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia – Ejército del Pueblo ), en cumplimiento de estas misiones fue detenido en Ecuador..
Alliance for Global Justice volunteer, Raquel Mogollón, was in attendance at the trial of political prisoner Liliany Obando Aug. 4 in Bogotá, Colombia. Based on her eyewitness report, the hearing revealed manipulation of evidence behind the charges being brought against Obando.
Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Popular Front for Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) urging progressive forces to take action this October in solidarity with Ahmad Sa'adat, the jailed leader of the PFLP.
Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the National Committee to Free Ricardo Palmera. We urge all of our readers to join this effort.