Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Committee to Stop FBI Repression

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following call from the Committee to Stop FBI Repression.


By staff

The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People’s Army (FARC-EP) have chosen Ricardo Palmera as one of their negotiators for Colombian peace talks. Professor Palmer is a political prisoner held in solitary confinement by the U.S. government in the Florence, Colorado Supermax prison. Palmera’s supporters in Colombia and around the world are demanding that Palmera be set free and that the U.S. government stop interfering in Colombia’s internal affairs. The FARC put Palmera’s name forward as one of the three main negotiators after peace negotiations were announced last week.


By Committee Against Political Repression

Fight Back News Service urges your organization to sign the following statement from the Committee Against Political Repression in support of political activists who have been subpoenaed to appear before a Seattle Grand Jury. The Committee to Stop FBI Repression is also supporting this effort. To add your group’s name to the solidarity statement, please email: [email protected].


By staff

State’s Attorney refuses again to present evidence

Chicago, IL – Three of the young men arrested in the days before the NATO summit appeared in court here, June 12. Charged with “material support for terrorism, possession of an incendiary device and conspiracy,” Jared Chase, Brent Betterly and Brian Jacob Church have been held for nearly a month on $1.5 million bail each. They expected to be able to see the evidence against them, such as police reports, a search warrant and an affidavit.


By Committee to Stop FBI Repression

“Call States Attorney to demand their release!”

Fight Back News service is circulating the following call to action from the Committee Stop FBI Repression. Joe Iosbaker is one of the anti-war and international solidarity activists targeted by the FBI and was one of the organizers of the 15,000 person anti-NATO protest in Chicago.


By Sarah Martin

Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails did not eat on Palestinian Prisoners Day, April 17, as part of a growing protest against conditions in Israeli prisons. Prison authorities reported that 3500 prisoners turned away their meals. 1200 vow to continue the fast beyond April 17, joining several administrative detainees. Two of these detainees have been on a hunger strike for over 40 days and are in the hospital in perilous health. Eight ‘flytilla’ activists who were detained for flying into Israel to protest the Israeli occupation and are awaiting deportation fasted in solidarity with the prisoners.


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following joint statement from the Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association, Physicians for Human Rights-Israel and Al-Haq. Hana Shalabi on her 34th day of hunger strike: Israeli Prison Service refusing to transfer her to hospital despite Immediate risk of death “To all the free and loyal Palestinian people, I direct my words to you—while I and all my brothers and sisters in the occupier’s prisons are on hunger strike, we call on you to continue your solidarity and for the issue of prisoners to be on the highest priority list […] I call on foreign states to continue action in applying pressure [on Israel] towards the release of all our courageous prisoners.”


By Campaign to Free Ahmad Sa'adat

_On the anniversary of the abduction of Ahmad Sa'adat _

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Campaign to Free Ahmad Sa'adat. Ahmad Sa’adat, the General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, is a political prisoner who is being held in an Israeli jail.


By staff

_Stopping execution is a victory, struggle continues to free Mumia _

Former Black Panther and political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal

Philadelphia, PA – After 30 years, political prisoner and former Black Panther Mumia Abu-Jamal is no longer on death row. On Dec. 7, 2011, Philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams announced that he would not seek a new sentencing hearing to try to re-sentence Abu-Jamal to the death penalty. He has now been moved to SCI Mahanoy after spending the last 30 years on Pennsylvania’s death row.


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Campaign to Free Ahmad Sa'adat on the upcoming hunger strike of Palestinian political prisoners.