The Popular Front for Liberation of Palestine urges October solidarity with Ahmad Sa'adat
Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Popular Front for Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) urging progressive forces to take action this October in solidarity with Ahmad Sa'adat, the jailed leader of the PFLP.
PFLP Political Bureau calls for October mobilization for Comrade Sa'adat
The Political Bureau of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine issued a statement on July 18, 2010, calling for the broadest expression of solidarity and support for Comrade Ahmad Sa'adat, the General Secretary of the PFLP, in mid-October 2010, when his continued isolation in the jails of the occupation will again come before the court.
The Front's statement said that Comrade Sa'adat has spent over a year and a half in isolation, while the Prisons Service and Zionist security services have declared him an ongoing 'security threat', justifying his continuing isolation away from his fellow prisoners, the continued restriction of his family visits and deprivation of access to news and media, books, and information. The PFLP said that all seventeen Palestinian prisoners suffering from isolation are at risk due to the brutality and cruelty of the Prisons Service, and urged widespread support against the use of isolation targeting Palestinian prisoners.
The PFLP called for a day of action to be a day of struggle and solidarity against isolation and in solidarity with Palestinian prisoners, with Comrade Sa'adat at the forefront. It called upon all progressive forces, all Palestinian and Arab parties and liberation movements, and all friends of the Front and the Palestinian people in the world to organize events, media activities and political solidarity actions in support of Comrade Sa'adat, calling for the freedom of Palestinian prisoners, and exposing the horror of isolation. It further called upon all branches of the Front and its supporters in Palestine and outside to regard the day of Comrade Sa'adat's hearing as a day for mobilization and popular solidarity with the prisoners' movement.
Furthermore, the Political Bureau statement demanded that international human rights authorities and in particular, the United Nations and its bodies, including its Secretary-General, to assume their responsibilities to protect Palestinian prisoners and cease their willful blindness to the crimes of the Israeli occupation against the prisoners.
#Palestine #PopularFrontForTheLiberationOfPalestine #AhmadSaadat #PoliticalPrisoners
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