Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Fight Back! Editors

The following editorial was distributed at the Nov. 24 protests in Minneapolis demanding justice for Jamar Clark. “The whole damn system is guilty as hell!” has been chanted at anti-police brutality protests around the country, and at the occupation of the Fourth Precinct in North Minneapolis this past week. It was proven true in the streets of North Minneapolis last night when white supremacists shot five anti-racist protesters in cold blood.


By Jess Sundin

Minneapolis, MN – Some 3000 people marched two-and-a-half miles from the Minneapolis Police Fourth Precinct to City Hall to protest the police murder of Jamar Clark, and demand the prosecution of the police officers that were involved. The march from the Fourth Precinct started in the afternoon of Nov. 24. Protesters have been occupying the precinct around the clock since the killing on November 16.


By staff

U of MN students rally against white supremacist shooting of Black protesters

Minneapolis, MN – 400 students at the University of Minnesota rallied Nov. 24 on Northrop Plaza in response to the prior night’s white supremacist shooting of five Black Lives Matter protesters in North Minneapolis. After the U of MN rally, they went together to the city-wide march for Justice for Jamar Clark, the Black man who was executed by the Minneapolis police a week ago, sparking an around-the-clock occupation of the front of the Fourth Police Precinct in North Minneapolis.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – “The strikers at Kohler are fighting for all workers. They are fighting for our future. We need to stand with them,” says Cherrene Horazuk, the president of AFSCME Local 3800, the union that represents clerical workers at the University of Minnesota.


By staff

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Minneapolis, MN – More than 500 protesters have gathered at the 4th Precinct Police station, shortly before 2:00 p.m., this afternoon, Nov. 24, to demand justice for Jamar Clark, an unarmed African American man killed by Minneapolis police. The number of demonstrators is growing rapidly.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – A week-old protest demanding justice for Jamar Clark, who was slain by Minneapolis police, was attacked by a small group of white supremacists at 10:45 p.m. the night of Nov. 23. The racists approached the occupation at the Fourth Precinct police station as they have done for the past few nights, being disruptive and shouting racial slurs. A group of protesters were marshalling the racists away from the main protest when the white supremacists opened fire and shot five people.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – Black Lives Matter Minneapolis has uncovered video of Jamar Clark after he was shot in the head by Minneapolis Police. The Black Lives Matter Minneapolis Facebook post notes, “At the 29-second mark you can see Jamar’s body appears to be lifeless on the ground with his hands in handcuffs, just as numerous witnesses have reported from day one.”


By staff

Jigme Ugen, vice president of SEIU Healthcare MN

Minneapolis, MN – On Nov. 21, more than 200 labor union leaders, members and supporters rallied to demand justice for Jamar Clark at the Minneapolis Police Fourth Precinct, where Black Lives Matter Minneapolis has held a constant presence all week.


By Chris Getowicz

November 16: Protesters take over Interstate 94 in Minneapolis demanding justice for Jamar Clark, who was murdered by the Minneapolis police. Photos by Chris Getowicz.


By staff

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Minneapolis, MN – Hundreds of protesters are standing strong at the Fourth Precinct Minneapolis police station on the night of Nov. 18, pressing the demand for justice for Jamar Clark. Police have fired a rubber bullet, known as a marking round, into the crowd and have been spraying people with pepper spray.