Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – The Supreme Court is set to hear the case Friederichs v. California Teachers Association, Jan 11. The case could weaken public sector unions by forcing the public sector to be ‘right to work’ nationwide.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – On Dec. 26, Mall of America (MOA) security approached a 14-year-old black girl about being present at the mall without an adult. After being told to leave MOA, the child walked around on the transportation platform and began trying to get change for $20 for bus fare. It was at that point that she was violently tackled to the ground by MOA security. The brutal encounter was caught on video by a passerby who happened to witness the incident.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – In an unprecedented attempt at halting the upcoming Black Live Matters Minneapolis gathering, the Mall of America has sued eight activists to compel them to immediately” post messages on social media and send out a mass text message announcing their Dec. 23 event is cancelled.


By Brad Sigal

Dec. 19 march demanding justice for Jamar Clark.

Minneapolis, MN – Chanting, “If Jamar don’t get it, shut it down!” hundreds of people marched Dec. 19 in frigid weather from the Fourth Police Precinct in north Minneapolis to city hall demanding justice for Jamar Clark. Clark, a 24-year-old African American man, was shot in the head and killed by the Minneapolis police on Nov. 15 on Plymouth Avenue in north Minneapolis, sparking an 18-day encampment at the Fourth Precinct to protest his killing. Today’s march was the largest protest since police dislodged the occupation in front of the Fourth Precinct on Dec. 3.


By staff

Black Lives Matters protest at Mall of America.

Minneapolis, MN – Black Lives Matters Minneapolis announced Dec. 17, that a #Justice4Jamar protest will move forward at the Mall of American in Bloomington, unless authorities release the tapes of Clark’s killing, prosecute the police by a special prosecutor without a grand jury, and bring federal terrorism charges against the white supremacists who shot protesters at the Fourth Precinct police station.


By staff

U of M workers marching for raises and respect.

Minneapolis, MN – After six difficult months of contract negotiations with management and a hard-hitting contract campaign targeting the inequality of “Two Universities,” the union of 1500 clerical workers at the University of Minnesota, AFSCME 3800, won a tentative agreement Dec. 10. The clerical workers’ negotiating committee characterized the agreement as a breakthrough for workers which is better than any contract they’ve won in the past decade.


By Jess Sundin

Struggle to get justice for Jamar marches on

Protest inside City Hall demands justice for Jamar.

Minneapolis, MN – Hundreds descended upon City Hall on Thursday, Dec. 3, after eviction of an 18-day encampment set up to protest the killing of Jamar Clark outside the Fourth Precinct police station. 100 Minneapolis police raided the encampment at 3:45 a.m., arresting eight, then destroying the camp with bulldozers.


By staff

Outrage grows as white supremacists avoid attempted murder charges after shooting 5 protesters

Minneapolis, MN – A group of 30 clergy, demanding justice for Jamar Clark, took over the rotunda at City Hall this morning, Dec. 1. Hundreds will rally this afternoon at the Hennepin County Government Center, at 4:00 pm, in the wake of County Attorney Mike Freeman’s failure to bring attempted murder charges against white supremacists who shot five protesters.


By Jess Sundin

Minneapolis, MN – North Minneapolis was on high alert Monday, Nov. 30, after Mayor Betsy Hodges and Congressman Keith Ellison joined others in a press conference calling for an end to the occupation of the Fourth Precinct police station. The block of Plymouth Avenue in front of the police station has been closed for two weeks by protesters calling for justice for Jamar Clark, a 24-year-old African American man killed by police.


By staff

'Blacksgiving’ gathering at Minneapolis Fourth Police Precinct occupation

Minneapolis, MN – On Thanksgiving, Nov. 26, the round-the-clock occupation outside the Fourth Police Precinct in North Minneapolis continued demanding justice for Jamar Clark, the Black man killed by Minneapolis police on November 15.