Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Redacción

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Minneapolis, MN – Sobre los resultados electorales del 9 de noviembre, el secretario político de la Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad (FRSO) Steff Yorek dijo “Trump es un tóxico promotor de ataques racistas anti-inmigrante y anti-musulmán, como también es un enemigo de las mujeres. Su campaña populista de derecha atrajo a todas las fuerzas reaccionarias y retrogradas del país. Como predicador de la avaricia, no hay duda que hará cuanto esté en su poder para beneficiar a los multimillonarios como él. Trump no es nuestro presidente y tenemos que hacer todo lo posible para hundir su administración con una marea de lucha y resistencia. Debemos hacer que el país sea ingobernable”.

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By Matt Boynton

Demands that university president be fired

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A group of more than 50 students, led by Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), took over the first floor of Coffman Memorial Union, the University of Minnesota’s student center, for a public demonstration and teach-in on issues of inequalities in education mid-day on Nov. 9.


By Jess Sundin

100 people marched through North Minneapolis, Nov. 13, to remember Jamar Clark, and continue the fight for justice and against police crimes. The event kicked off a week of actions to mark one year since Clark was killed by Minneapolis police. Organized by the Twin Cities Coalition for Justice (TCC4J), the action opened with a rally at Broadway and Lyndale Avenues, then took to the streets for about three miles, marching past the Fourth police precinct and to the site of Clark’s murder at James and Plymouth Avenues.


By Brad Sigal

Trump protesters blocking I-94

Minneapolis, MN – Two days after Donald Trump was declared the winner in the presidential election, several thousand people poured into the streets of Minneapolis, Nov. 10, to express their outrage and pledging to resist Trump’s entire reactionary agenda. Chants ranged from “We reject the president elect!” and “Not our president!” to chants supporting particular struggles and movements like immigrant rights, Black Lives Matter, Native struggles, environmental struggles, LGBTQ and women's liberation, and more.


By staff

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Commenting on the outcome of the elections, Nov. 9, Freedom Road Socialist Organization’s Political Secretary Steff Yorek stated, “Trump is a toxic promoter of racist anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim attacks. He is an enemy of women. His right-wing populist campaign was a magnet that drew of everything reactionary and backwards in this county. As preacher of the gospel of greed, there is no doubt he will do everything in his power to improve the lot of billionaires like himself. He is not our president. We need to do everything we can to drown his administration in a high tide of struggle and fightbacks. We should aim to make this country ungovernable.”


By staff

Forty people attended a forum Oct. 29, “Revolution in the Philippines: Daring to Struggle, Daring to Win.” The forum at Mayday Books featured a presentation by Joe Iosbaker, a Chicago-based anti-war movement leader and member of Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) who participated in a recent international solidarity delegation to Western Mindanao in the Philippines.


By staff

Thousands protest Hennepin County Sheriff personnel at Standing Rock

Minneapolis, MN – Nearly 2000 protesters, many Native American, rallied at city hall here, Oct. 28, demanding that Hennepin County Sheriff Stanek immediately withdraw sheriff department personnel from North Dakota, where they have been deployed against demonstrators who are fighting to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline.


By Meredith Aby

Minneapolis, MN – Recently the Washington Post exposed Donald Trump’s conversation with Billy Bush where he bragged about sexually assaulting multiple women. Then Trump dismissed the discussion as “locker room talk” and in the presidential debate denied that he had ever sexually assaulted anyone. Every time I turn on the radio or open my computer I see or hear woman after woman accusing Trump of sexual assault. Since that time I have found myself experiencing moments of rage, depression and anxiety and have been shocked at the ways these events have rocked the U.S.


By Jess Sundin

Courtney Donelson, TCC4J organizer, calling out prosecutor Mike Freeman

Minneapolis, MN – Few were surprised here on Friday, Oct. 21, when MPD Chief Jenee Harteau announced that the department had cleared its own officers of wrongdoing in the killing of 24-year-old Jamar Clark almost a year ago. With Mayor Betsy Hodges at her side, the chief regurgitated the same defense offered by Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman when he announced in March that he would not prosecute the cops who killed Jamar.


By Brad Sigal

Action alert calling for release of the Minnesota 8

Minneapolis, MN – Around 200 people packed Cowles Auditorium at the University of Minnesota Oct. 20 to hear from the families of eight Minnesota men who are currently detained by immigration officials and facing the threat of deportation to Cambodia. The families called for the release of the Minnesota 8 and an end to unjust deportations. The event also featured the documentary Sentenced Home, which tells the stories of several men who have already been deported to Cambodia.