Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Austin Jensen

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Minneapolis, MN – About 50 people gathered at the Federal Courthouse in downtown Minneapolis, June 29, to protest the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to reinstate Trump’s Muslim ban.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – On June 26, the U.S. Supreme Court deviated from previous lower court rulings to allow portions of the Trump Muslim ban to go into effect. This new interim policy will allow the Trump administration to prevent travel for people from six Muslim majority countries – Iran, Syria, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen – who lack a “bona fide relationship” with an American person or entity. The court also ruled that during this time, national security concerns related to these countries can take precedence over other obligations to accept refugees. The U.S. Supreme Court plans to hear oral arguments on the travel ban in October.


By Jess Sundin

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Minneapolis, MN – Tens of thousands lined Hennepin Avenue to watch the annual Twin Cities LGBTQ Pride parade on June 25. A group of hundreds behind a banner reading “Justice for Philando #NoJusticeNoPride” took the lead of the parade, a few blocks ahead of the police car that was supposed to lead the official parade. The group was protesting Pride’s decision to allow police to lead the parade and be present throughout the festival, despite an epidemic of police violence that particularly targets queer and trans people of color.


By staff

Activists still fighting to stop his deportation

Minneapolis, MN – On June 23, the charges against Ariel Vences Lopez of ‘fare evasion,’ ‘obstruction of process’ and ‘providing a false name to police’ were dropped. This legal victory is one step in the campaign that immigrant rights and anti-police brutality activists are waging to stop the deportation of Vences Lopez and stop police harassment and brutality on Twin Cities public transit.


By Jess Sundin

Minneapolis, MN – Judge Hilary Caliguiri approved a deal today, June 12, between Hennepin County prosecutors and Nathan Gustavsson, one of the white supremacists involved in the November 2015 shooting of five Black men at a protest demanding justice for Jamar Clark.


By staff

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Minneapolis, MN – A row of chairs reserved for the University of Minnesota Board of Regents sat empty while university unions held their own public hearing on university budget, June 8.


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Minneapolis, MN – The Minnesota chapter of CAIR, the Council on American Islamic Relations, held a press conference, June 9, at Bethany Lutheran Church in Minneapolis to show unity on the eve of ACT for America’s national “March Against Sharia.”


By staff

“The UPS operations manager held a meeting and asked who wanted to pray. After we raised our hands, he said that he would replace all of us”

Minneapolis, MN – The Minnesota chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-MN) today announced the filing of a lawsuit in state court, June 1, against UPS Mail Innovations and Doherty Staffing Solutions for firing multiple Muslim employees who wanted to pray during their break times, after previously having allowed them to pray.


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Protest against Trump in Minneapolis

Minneapolis, MN – About 100 people gathered at the Minneapolis federal building, June 1, to demand “Trump out now.” Organized by the Resist from Day One Coalition, speakers from the environmental, labor, student and immigrant rights movements blasted Trump’s policies.


By staff

One of many large anti Trump protests called by Resist from Day One Coalition

Minneapolis, MN – Organized by the Resist from Day One Coalition, a Trump Out Now protest has been set for 4:30 p.m., June1, at the federal courthouse in downtown Minneapolis (4th Street and 4th Avenue).